Chapter 9: Making A Name!

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3rd POV:

It was the mid-afternoon of the next day when Izuku truly started to get to work on things in an attempt to start making a name for himself as he needed a way to draw the attention of villains and more importantly the League itself to him. As such, Izuku headed out as it started to get a bit darker to acquire what he would need to start himself out with and start laying connections around with local villains across the Tokyo area and surrounding cities. One thing for sure was that he needed to change out of his hero outfit since it stuck out like a sore thumb. As Izuku moved across the rooftops he heard a scream and decided to look into it and discovered a lady was being held down by some thugs who seemed to be getting ready to rape her.

'I can't keep saving people since it wouldn't make sense for a villain though if I hide the true reasons why I do it for other things then I can easily make excuses.' Izuku thought as he jumped down. Everyone came to a stop thinking a hero had arrived but then the villains grinned when they saw it was the recent hero to villain Izuku Midoriya! "Hey brat, I recognize you from the news! Want to join us with her?" One man asked and Izuku looked at the woman who looked like she was asking for help. Izuku silently walked up towards them without saying yes or no which made the criminals think he was going to join them when suddenly Izuku punched the man guy out. "There are many things in this world that happen but raping a woman is pathetic even for us villains. It shows you are powerless and lack any guiding principles except to seek just harm to others. I am not like that as I seek change due to the life I lived... Though, I will gladly take your clothing." Izuku said with a smile on his face that really didn't belong with the situation they were all in.

Izuku quickly dispatched all of the other low-level criminals without any issue. The lady seemed shocked and confused about what just happened but she just watched Izuku take the clothing from the other man and change outfits right in front of her. Izuku quickly changed without wasting time since the screams from the lady would most likely have earned a call to the police from anyone that might have been around. As Izuku finished, he took out his notebook from his bag and discarded his hero outfit though he did keep some of the things that helped brace his arms and legs like his reinforced boots for combat as he didn't want to destroy his arms even more. Overall, Izuku looked quite scary with his new outfit and facial expression he was sporting. "Interesting that I lucked out on a man wearing some green," Izuku muttered as he wrote a note in the book which he tore out and gave to the lady with his old hero outfit.

 "Interesting that I lucked out on a man wearing some green," Izuku muttered as he wrote a note in the book which he tore out and gave to the lady with his old hero outfit

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"Don't worry I won't harm you. I may be a villain but I have things that even I won't condone. Rape is one of them. If you would be helpful then can you have this note and outfit delivered to Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi as I am sure he got assigned to my case or to Principal Nezu of UA? Tell them, The Accused One says hello and that I have many things to do before I can be caught." Izuku said and asked the woman who was still scared but nodded her head as Izuku could hear sirens coming in the distance. Izuku just jumped away and used the float quirk to get to the roof easier where he just quickly gained distance away from the crime scene. 

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