Chapter 32 - He Lives! What Cost?

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3rd POV:

Now though, in a different room with just the three of them as Gran Torino was still in the hospital recovering a bit more before he could be released... Madam President, the Prime minister, and Nezu all sat at a table in silence as no one wanted to break it because it felt like breaking it would destroy this reality they were in at the news they had just received in the other room. The news was that people had reported Izuku Midoriya being alive. A few more moments passed before Nezu bit the bullet and spoke up, "We all heard that report but what matters now is what happens moving forward and what we are going to do about it." Nezu stated and they all nodded their heads. Indeed, the worst scenario happened as Shigaraki had escaped arrest. However, the mole they planted in the enemy ranks seems to still be in play. "If he were made he would have come back to us and not be running out there fighting people. He has had a prior encounter with this villain before... I didn't think he would kill someone but he must have his reasons." Stated Nezu who had a very dark thought in the back of his mind that maybe things had gone too far and he had lost his student to the madness that this entire operation was causing. That Izuku Midoriya is playing his role way too well. 

Shaking those thoughts away, Nezu pushed forward as they needed to figure out what to do. "We need to assume the operation is still in play. We have a potential way to know the inner workings of the enemy in the future if he is ever able to get in contact with us again. However long that may be..." stated the prime minister even though his voice was tense and weak at some points in the conversation as the man himself didn't know what to think at the moment but it was better than doing nothing even though that is really what was going on with them right now. Even though they had some confirmation that Izuku Midoriya was alive, it didn't help they had no contact with him nor to know what was going on with him. 

"Regardless of what happens, we need to move forward with assuming he wont' be able to get a hold of us. If in the future he can then we can adjust our plans at that point but for now the operation details of this will need to stay dark. We can't let others know what is truly going on and risk his position lest we get him killed." Stated the commissions president even though Nezu wanted to scream about pulling his student out of this entire mess he knew for the greater good they had to push forward as if this operation was still good to go without issues and that is what they did. 

Izuku POV:

'To think so many months have passed...' I thought as I walked back into the base and made my way to my room. The sounds of the water running as I turned the sink on helped sooth my mind as it raced at what I had done. "So much red..." I muttered as I cleaned my hands off with the water that was coming out but my mind kept flashing back to the moment with muscular. "He just wouldn't shut up... had to go and speak to many words." I muttered.


"That brat... from the camp... I'm going find him and when I do I'm going rip him apart bone by bone and display him right in front of you. I don't care if you are one of the big bosses now you former hero scum." stated Muscular as he geared up more of his quirk and started to charge at Izuku unaware of what dark thoughts were released in the mind of his opponent. "He wants to kill Kota?!" muttered Izuku as OFA powered up and before Muscular knew what happened he was on his knees looking up at the sky having trouble breathing. "Disgusting creature... you dare go after those I care for... then die." muttered Izuku as he stepped away from the body of his defeated opponent before glancing at the two hero students who backed away in fear. But they weren't of important to Izuku...

~flashback over~

'What hero am I now?' I thought as I finished washing off the blood from my hands and made my way into the main room where the others were when I heard them shout for me when they noticed I was back. "What are you all shouting for? Going to make me go deaf..." I said as I leaned against a wall across from them all. Toga just came bouncing around me as she smelled me. "I smell blood on your hands!" She said with glee and I rolled my eyes at hear and pushed her head away a bit. "Yes, I ran into Muscular and killed him." I said not hiding what I had done as they all knew that the man was off the deep end and me killing him wasn't the weirdest thing to happen in all of these months. No... so many bodies are dead because of the war and the heroes had failed to capture the entire PFL so now here they were gathering their strength back up for what was to come. Even All For One was dead which was a shock to even me when we raided the prison. 

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