Chapter 17: League Verus Meta Liberation Army

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3rd POV:

'Looks like I won't get to warn Nezu about all of this!' Izuku thought as he knew he wouldn't have time to get a report out to Nezu so the Principal could try to hack into the cameras for the raw footage. As Izuku avoided people left and right he landed blows that incapacitated people left and right as he went for bone-breaking blows on each individual. Though, Izuku knew very well that the other members of the League of Villains would not be holding back like he was as they were killing people left and right. Izuku knew that no matter what a lot of people were going to end up dead so this battle needed to end as soon as possible which meant getting Shigaraki to the tower!

As Izuku was thinking he noticed that Toga was no longer around as he wondered where she went because he learned something a bit terrifying. 'She was able to use quirks of other people now... I know very well she couldn't do that before!' Izuku thought as he had watched her dropped dozens of people from the sky down on the ground as she had used the zero-gravity quirk from his former classmate. 'Nezu will need to know that as that is a huge security issue since she could just walk right into places without us knowing now since she can replicate quirks which were one way we avoided her from sneaking into places so easily.' Izuku thought as he continued to fight and make his way towards Shigaraki.

Dabi was fighting the Ice user which was leading to a bit of destruction across the city. Overall, Dabi was just burning everyone alive even though they kind of need these people to fight against Gigantomachia but Izuku just shrugged. 'I really hate to think it but fuck... fewer people that will be involved in the damn war that this is going to trigger!' Izuku thought as he knew that it didn't matter which side won this battle. No, a war was going to be coming to Japan regardless of who was the winner. It was either going to be the Meta Liberation Army against Japan or the League against Japan with one large giant on their side! Though, unknown to Izuku at the time it was going to be a far larger threat than he had first thought by the end of all of the fighting!

Over with Twice who had gone off to find Toga, we could find Twice in a tricky situation as he was fighting people that looked like him. This was not doing well for his mental health as he was trying to stop his lookalikes from harming Toga but they wouldn't listen since they were just puppets that were controlled by Skeptic from the Meta Liberation Army. The puppets were slowly preparing to kill Toga right in front of Twice and that had an effect that the Meta Liberation Army didn't plan for as Twice physiological barriers were changing with the help of the MLA. As the puppets pulled back Twice arms and broke them it caused him to realize something! He realized he was real and not a fake, a clone! It was why he avoided directly getting involved in a fight since he didn't want to come to an end and completely die since he didn't know he was real or not but due to so much pain, he was delivered by the puppets he found out he was the real one which caused him to overcome his mental barriers which lead to an interesting result.

This result was the army of twice, as he cloned himself and started to way waste to all of the Meta Liberation Army members that were blocking his path as they made their way towards the other members of the League. This is how Izuku found out as a wave of twice clones caught up to him and Shigaraki who were pushing forward with spinner helping them. "Interesting..." Izuku said out loud and Shigaraki was surprised to see Twice clone himself. The clones just kept pushing their way through the opposing individual making a path clearer for them. Though in Izuku's mind he knew that Twice's villain rank just jumped up from his current rank to the S-Rank without a doubt due to the implications of how he could use his quirk now.

'Though the clones are a bit weak since they could easily be destroyed the problem with them is the sheer number and the fact that a clone and clone itself!' Izuku thought as he watched the clones push forward past him and Shigaraki. Though some of the Meta Liberation Army like the Ice User could make easy work of the clones though that did include wiping their own forces out as well. Izuku honestly didn't like the Meta Liberation Army views since he was able to hear via the comm-link that the ice user said the MLA foresees that one rank in society will be directly tied to the strength of one's meta ability which is a horrible thing as it would only be a worse version of the current society.

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