Chapter 25: War! Pt. 4

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Izuku sat down on Gigantomachia's back as he rubbed his muscles as he had put a bit more power into that punch that carved up the ground. "Did you overdo it with that punch?" Twice asked who had regained his senses a bit from all of the wounds as Toga had patched him up somewhat but he still wasn't combat-capable any time soon. Izuku nodded his head, "Indeed, even though I've pushed my limits more and more it still stresses my body out at the upper limits since I haven't used it much in battle and just overall to the point my body can withstand it easily. We needed to get out of there so it was worth the stress on my body doing such a powerful punch." Izuku said as he relaxed on Gigantomachia's back and looked at all of them. Dabi was doing something with Skeptic which Izuku couldn't hear about since they were a bit further away but Izuku didn't think much of it.

Though Izuku did look at Toga who wore an unusual expression on her face. Izuku asked her what was wrong because he had to admit he genuinely had cared for them even though they may hate him when they learn the truth but that didn't mean Izuku would stop carrying for them. He also refused to kill any of them unless he had zero options. Toga turned to her and asked him if they didn't have a right to live due to how they were which stunned Izuku for a bit but he shook his head and spoke, "It's not that we don't have a right to live... this society needs to change since it created this mess. Each of us in the League, though I don't know about Dabi, comes from backgrounds filled with pain and suffering because we didn't fit society's normal standards even though quirks are abnormal to start with. Humans had lived for so long without quirks but in the last hundred years or so we have all forgotten about that... we have the right to live just like the next person does. Our quirks or former lack of a quirk doesn't define our right to life but our actions we do define that. Do you understand what I am getting at?" Izuku said as he looked at her in the eyes with genuine emotions which she nodded her head at as she believed she understood.

"Too many people went into heroics for things outside of saving people... if they wanted fame, money, or something else then that is fine as long as you truly wish to save people above all else but I know of heroes that don't care about that like Endeavor..." Izuku said and Dabi chuckled at the mention of Endeavor which made Izuku raise an eyebrow but Dabi said he would understand soon why he hatreds Endeavor so much which Izuku just accepted. 'Not like I can warn the hero side of anything that might happen... I need to maintain my cover as long as Shigaraki walks free.' Izuku thought as he continued to rest until Mr. Compress said they were approaching the cities. This caused Iuzku to stand up and look out since he wondered if the government was able to clear it all out. 

"Well... this is going to be quite destructive," Izuku muttered out as he watched Gigantomachia slammed into the city and start tearing through it without stopping. As they were moving through, Mr. Compress pointed out there was no one in the city from what he could see which Izuku looked around and noticed that was indeed true. 'Seems like they did indeed get everyone out which is good.' Izuku thought. "It seems those villain attacks with the chemical weapons were likely staged attacks in preparation for these battles," Izuku said and Toga asked what he meant. Izuku pulled his phone and showed a news article about chemical attacks by radical groups aiming to target cities with higher populations with mutation quirks. 

"Based on the news article from last week they cleared out the affected zones without clearing the rest but it seems they did it to decrease the numbers of people in all of the cities that were around any of the battle sites. Most likely in the event that we were able to break their armies down as it would give them a buffer before we hit any major cities. They most likely though didn't account for Gigantomachia waking up since he wouldn't move without Shigaraki... though their preplanning had saved many lives that would have died due to Gigantomachia's rampage. Oh well... they are just delaying everything since the moment Gigantomachia's arrive at Shigaraki's location is the moment we turn the war back in our favor." Izuku said as he just held onto Gigantomachia's back as rubble from all of the building few up and around them.

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