Chapter 18: Aftermath of Deika City

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3rd POV:

Nezu was sitting in his office worried as things have happened recently that he didn't know how to deal with. The students of 1-A with All Might, Eraserhead, Present Mic, and the Detective have been trying to lock Gran Torino down as best as they could but Nezu had been lucky in keeping them away from the man but it was getting closer and closer on them getting a hold of Gran Torino who was getting exhausted on avoiding them all of the time. Outside of that, there has been an issue with the fact that one Izuku Midroiya had dropped contact and has missed his check-in which made Nezu worried.

The reason he was really worried about that is due to the recent news of one particular city, Deika City which had been attacked on a large scale with countless deaths being reported though no one has said it was the League of Villains which is why Nezu is unsure if it was connected to the League. However, the fact that Izuku Midoriya was no longer making contact over the week or so that has passed since the devastation of the city, it had led Nezu, Gran Torino, The Prime Minister, and Commission's President to believe that the League may have been involved but also wiped out.

They decided they would wait two more weeks before declaring Izuku Midoirya MIA and alerting Inko Midoriya of her son's possible death. The reports that the public was receiving was that the town was attacked by a group of 20 men and women with a particular grudge against heroes who had lured the heroes out of the city before launching the attack directly on the undefined city. It was also said that the citizens of Deika city banded together to fight against the villains that had attacked before the heroes arrived back from being misled about the attack. The villains were reported dead which is why Nezu and the others believed the League may have been involved since Izuku had gone MIA on them.

Gran Torino was no better because the news was weighing heavily on him because he believed that All Might should be informed of the truth which Nezu was honestly considered but wanted to hold off for a bit longer due to the situation. Even if they told him now it would change nothing in the current situation. As such, they were taking the tactic of stalling and waiting to see if they would receive any news from Izuku Midoriya.

While nezu and Gran Torino were off worrying, Izuku Midoriya was back with the League of Villains who were all recovering from the large-scale battle still. Mr. Compress was eating some sushi that they had been provided while Twice was crying and praying to a picture of a dead Toga. Now you might wonder how did she die, well she didn't because only the clone that donated all of the blood died while the real one was sitting behind Twice who told him to knock it off since she was still alive as it was creepy. 

It did seem as if Twice's mental health became worse even though he could make clones of himself now but all of the conversations came to an end as Trumpet and Skeptic came into the room to gather them as Skeptic and Twice started to argue over them eating the sushi that the Meta Liberation Army was paying for. This earned a remark from Izuku who pointed out that the Meta Liberation Army was only around still since Re-Destro surrendered otherwise the League would have wiped them out since they had Gigantomachia who had arrived. Soon they left and headed down towards the underground portal of the villa mansion that housed the Liberation army.

On the stage, you could find Re-Destro in his new chair to help him move around as well as Shigaraki and Trumpet. Izuku was standing right next to Shigraki as well as the rest of the league members decided to stay in the back until they were called out to the stage. Re-Destro went on a long speech about him being blind about the League of Villains and that they were truly liberated more than the Re-Destro was. As such, he abdicated his position and that the army was being revived with Tomura Shigaraki s the new grand commander. "As such, our liberation army and the league of villains will conduct a merger under a new name! Please hear the new name from Tomura Shigaraki!" Re-Destro said as the other League members all came out on the stage at that call. The other leaders from the Meta army also came out as well that had survived and Shgiaraki announced the new name.

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