Chapter 30: Changing Hearts & Minds! [END]

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3rd POV:

Nana looked at Inko and nodded her head as she began to explain why they were all brought inside of One For All and told the truth of the quirk. "Izuku Midoriya... most likely one of the best users out of all of us but yet he is also the most destroyed of us," Nana said which none of them liked how she worded that statement. "As you are all aware when Nezu gave you a history lesson in regards to the 9th user of our quirk, you learned how much damage society had done to Izuku Midoriya but that is hearing about it without seeing it as we do. We see the pain he hides and we see the sadness and destructive thoughts he has about himself. All of his worth had become tied to the quirk due to how this society treated him before he had a quirk compared to how he has treated afterward which have put us in this position that we now find ourselves in." Nana said as she explained that Izuku's entire self-worth was tied to the quirk and him now having some form of happiness due to being quirked instead of quirkless now which made them all feel a sense of guilt due to how their society treats people.

Though Bakugo and a few others like All Might and Inko had more guilt for their own actions. Bakugo for all of his actions, All Might for destroying a boys dreams and then rebuilding them based around a quirk, and Inko for being as unsupportive as she was and even when he had a quirk as she had wanted to pull him out of UA at a few points due to him getting injured which was something that would always happen in the hero life.

Hitoshi chooses to ask the next question on what Nana meant by the situation that they were now in which she smiled sadly. "As you all know you are inside of One For All but what you don't know is that this is where the deceased users of One For All come to rest. We are echos as far as we know and are not truly a soul or we may be the true souls of the past users. All we know is that Izuku Midoriya is refusing to leave as he has accepted his death as we did not take into account the possible involvement of Eri when we informed him of his incoming death before Eri undid the damage. As such, even though his body has been healed his mind has refused to leave the realm of the dead where we reside currently, and if he doesn't accept living again then he will never return with you all to the land of the living." Nana said as she laid out the truth of the situation in how Izuku's entire self-worth was tied to the quirk and that since he had completed what One For All was meant to do in addition to what he knew of his condition before Eri undid it, he had chosen to accept death which forced his mind or rather soul to stay trapped inside of the quirk itself.

Everyone was stunned and shocked to learn of this and asked what they could do to help which she smile as everyone wanted to know how they could help. She could even sense the feeling of wanting to help that radiated off of those that didn't speak out like Katuski Bakugo who wanted to earn Izuku's true forgiveness since he has realized through Izuku's leaving for all of these months as he was with the villains on the damage he had caused to his former childhood friend. "I am glad you wish to help but I don't know if you will be able to convince him to return but that is the reason we brought you here. This is your mission as if you wish to regain your friend then you need to convince him to return to the land of the living and reject his death." Nana said which they accepted and Bakugo marched forward without even knowing where to go which Nana rolled her eyes at. 'That kid really needs to learn how to communicate his feelings better...' Nana thought as he floated in front of everyone to lead them towards the location they needed to go to.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the location which was a bar! "My son is in a bar?" Inko asked and Nana shrugged. "Do remember we are in the land of the dead for past users which all of us but him are above the drinking age and in death does it really matter?" Nana said as she wanted them all that he might be quite shocked to see them so she had no idea what he might do or say. Nana opened the door and they all entered the bar location which had a lot of games inside as well like chess and billard as well. 

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