Chapter 29: Dreams & Reality

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3rd POV:

When Izuku fell back to sleep on the helicopter as they approached the hospital, he was sure he could hear Nezu and Gran Torino telling him to stay awake but sadly for him he was unable to do so as he soon fell into the darkness. The next time his eyes opened he saw where he was at and realized what it most likely meant. He was standing in front of all of the past users of One For All which he noticed he was completely there from what he could tell. "Ah... did I die?" Izuku said out loud and they all looked at him with eyes of pity as they were silent and didn't answer the question. The first user stood up and walked to Izuku as he procced to huge Izuku which made Izuku break down in tears as the other users all walked up to him and hugged him.

"You are not dead but you aren't alive either. You are currently standing on the border of death and life as you sustained quite a large amount of wounds during the entire war but the final wound that Shigaraki gave you dealt significant damage since some of his decay quirks kicked in on your internal parts which are preventing your recovery. I am unable to tell you that you will make it even if quirks are used on you due to the sheer level of damage you received. You are lucky to have hit Shigaraki with the bullet before the damage spread even further." the First User of the quirk said and Izuku nodded his head as they all sat down including Izuku in their seats. Izuku just asked what happens when he dies since no one would have the quirk anymore.

Even though he asked none of them really knew. They had some theories of the quirk going back to All Might since he was still alive and connected to the quirk or they would simply vanish away from the mind space since there would be nothing left anchoring them to the living world for their echos which were kept inside of the quirk. It was also possible that they would continue to exist for all eternity but no one truly knew since they didn't think the quirk would come to an end until they learned of the fact that the quirk was killing the users.

All For One was sitting in jail where he wouldn't be escaping from and the original quirk itself was destroyed with the doctor having been arrested. As such, there would never be another All For One walking the earth ever again so One For All's main purpose of being around was now gone. They didn't know what the quirk would even be used for outside of hero work which any quirk could do that. Izuku just shrugged and decided to relax with everyone in the dreamscape since there was nothing he could do about his coming death so he just needed to accept it even though he had many regrets.

Now though outside of the quirk, we could find a doctor exiting the operation room where he found Principal Nezu of UA and everyone else that had arrived for Izuku Midoriya which included Inko Midoriya. "I need the people in charge of Izuku Midoriya?" the doctor asked as he knew Nezu was one individual but everyone raised their hands even the younger children which he found idiotic. "I doubt all of you younger people are in charge of him..." the doctor said annoyed. which caused their hands to drop but Eraserhead, All Might, Gran Torino, Nezu, and Inko kept their hands up.

The doctor asked if they wanted to move to a private room which caused all of the adults to look at Inko. Even the others looked at her in hopes of hearing the results as well which she knew they wanted to which she said that it was fine in front of every one since they care for him. The doctor nodded his head and took a breath of air in as he knew the news would destroy them. "There is no easy or soft way to say this so I will be blunt. As it stands we are unable to repair the damage done to Izuku Midoriya which means he will die soon." the doctor said shocking everyone as Inko collapsed to her knees in shock as some tears went down her face. All Might helped her up into a chair as the doctor contained. "There is damage that appears to be done via Shigaraki's decay quirk which damaged a lot of his organs... unless all of this could be reversed somehow then he has no chance of surviving. I'm sorry." the doctor said and the room was devastated into Mirio spoke up to Eraserhead and the Principal.

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