Chapter 10: The Offer!

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3rd POV:

Izuku changed out of his fighting outfit and was escorted to a new area of the business where Giran was waiting for him. Before Izuku could even say or ask anything another individual walked up and dropped off quite a bit of money. Izuku raised an eyebrow and Giran laughed a bit as he explained he better on Izuku to earn himself some money since he knew Izuku was strong already but was shocked how quickly he made it through so many matches which earned him quite a bit of money since he had placed bets and was the host for him for the night. Giran then took some of the money and handed it to Izuku as he explained that each fighter gets a percentage of the bets placed if they win if they were a normal member without being hosted but Giran still thought Izuku deserved some of it since he made him a lot of money in one night.

Accepting the money, Izuku just placed it inside of the bag that he had with him and looked at Giran as he asked about what the offer Giran wanted to make to him. Giran nodded his head slowly and spoke after a few seconds of looking at Izuku. "As you know I've helped the League recruit quite a few of their newer members that would be called the Vanguard Action Squad, Shigaraki had put in a request for you to be found and brought to him," Giran said and Izuku went on guard right away since this could go either way. One, Shigaraki wanted to recruit Izuku or Shigaraki wanted to finish the job and dust Izuku for good.

"Oh? I take it he wants to finally get rid of me since I happened to annoy him when I was still at UA?" Izuku said and he made his defensive posture visible enough for Giran to notice it so he didn't seem eager at the fact that Shigaraki wanted to speak to him. "Calm down, he isn't wanting to dust you from what I've been told. He wants to offer you a place... a new home with the League. Even though he indeed has been pissed at you for all the shit you have done he still wants to talk to you about joining the League." Giran said and Izuku still kept his guard up but lightly relaxed visibly for Giran to see it. "Oh? Even after all the times, I interfered with his plans? Did he mature as of late?" Izuku asked and Giran laughed at that and nodded his head. "Indeed, without All For One, Shigaraki had greatly matured more in his attitude. There still some childish in him but he is getting far better in his actions and leading." Giran said and Izuku pretended to think it over.

"Why would I join the League when it would more or less confirm what UA is reporting on me being responsible for the League getting into the U.S.J. and the summer camp when I never did those things. I only analyzed people and quirks which has been used to pin me as helping the League and others." Izuku said and Giran raised an eyebrow and asked if he had some of his analysis for him to see which Izuku pulled out one notebook and showed it. This notebook was on random villains and some heroes he suspected of being dirty so he wouldn't feel completely horrible if they somehow got attacked due to his notes.

Giran was astonished at the level of details in the notes and asked if Izuku was currently selling and providing this information to others. Izuku nodded his head and explained he had a network currently set up where he takes requests from for his work. Giran asked for the name and Izuku provided it as Giran said he would likely submit some requests. Though Giran did move back to the original topic at hand and explained that Izuku didn't have many other options outside of the League unless he joined some random villain groups or worked alone. 

"Think about it, the League already has the public attention and if you joined them then the heroes and government will be less likely to directly target you since they would need to deal with the overall league as well. The League also still has the Nomu's even without All For One as well so they still have powerful resources as well. It would provide you a home that you don't need to be moving out of every few days to keep off the police radar and you could also have people you already somewhat know as well." Giran said and Izuku moving his head about as he was thinking and sighed. "Fine, I will be willing to meet Shigaraki to see if he won't try to dust me.  Where would I meet them at?" Izuku asked Giran who smiled greatly and said he would take Izuku to a place to meet them right away as he would call them.

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