Chapter 26: War! Pt. 5

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3rd POV:

"Well, that explains a lot," Izuku said as he muttered it low since the others haven't seen him yet nor did he want to get seen just yet as Spinner had moved Shigaraki up to Gigantomachia's back with Izuku looking him over. The others were trying to get Shigaraki to wake up so he could give Gigantomachia an order since he was really the one that needed to provide it. Izuku was sure that Gigantomachia might listen to him as well on some small orders like retreating but Izuku wasn't going to test it out. The reason he believed this was due to how Gigantomachia reacted back during the encounter with the students from UA as the other Pro Heros had arrived since Gigantomachia did react to Izuku's words but the others seem to have forgotten about that.

As Endeavor tried denying Dabi's claim that he was his son, Dabi just said that the results he had done with their DNA were being released publicly as they spoke though he was free to do his own DNA test if he wanted which Dabi laughed after saying it. The video showed online showed how Hawks also tried to kill Twice as well as he was crying and running away which made people shocked to see it. 'Damn... Skeptic and Dabi make a fearsome team when coming up with all of this!' Izuku thought as he knew this would be a large shake to society but in his honest view, it kind of needed to happen even though this war would shake society. 'Society has turned a blind eye long enough.' Izuku thought. Soon Dabi jumped down and got ready to unleash a large attack when suddenly they were all hit with wires from above them.

Izuku and everyone else turned to look into the air and were shocked to see things falling out of the air but were more shocked to see who was controlling it all! It was none other than Best Jeanist who had been on Recovery this entire time! Switching back for a few moments, we could see Best Jeanist inside of the cargo plane that he was flying in as he prepared to jump down with his cargo. "We won't let this go according to your will anymore!" Best Jeanist said as he jumped out of the cargo plane.

This was how we could now find Gigantomachia and all of the members of the PFL on the battlefield contained due to Best Jeanist's quirk, Fiber Master! The heroes were in joy as they now were gaining an advantage once again as Bakugo spoke out about his mentor from the internship being on such a so-called recovery. However, Dabi wasn't done as he started to burn the fibers and Izuku looked around. 'I need to start acting or they will know I am holding back. It's time to play my role as best as I can without trying to turn the tide of the war.' Izuku thought as he listened to Mr. Compress and Spinner talk. Spinner pointed out that Gigantomachia was panting once he arrived as his orders had been satisfied which made him release that Gigantomachia was tired out and it was how Best Jeanist was holding Gigantomachia right now.

Spinner tried to hell for Shigaraki to wake up but he wasn't doing so. Spinner then looked at Izuku who looked back and nodded his head. "Time to put more effort in!" Izuku said as he stretched his muscles out and Best Jeanist realized someone was breaking free outside of Dabi. "Who the hell has the strength to break free!?" Best Jeanist said capturing everyone's attention as they looked over to where he looked and a lot of them were shocked at who they saw since they didn't pay close attention when the villains had gotten captured. "Now, do you honestly think you can hold me?" Izuku asked with a wide grin as he broke out of the fibers startling Best Jeanist.

"IZUKU/PROBLEM CHILD/MIDORIYA!" Was all called out by people that recognized him in shock. Izuku turned towards them and made eye contact with Eraserhead and then all of the others. "Well if it isn't half of my former classmates and teacher! I truly wonder why you struggle so much?" Izuku but then everyone was shocked to hear Shigaraki wake up for a split second as Spinner had bitten him awake long enough that he ordered Gigantomachia to break free. The giant roared out which caused all of the Nomu's in the area to start coming towards them as well as other heroes came charging as well.

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