Chapter 28: Realization

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3rd POV:

As they all sat in the meeting room with Nezu at the head of the table he looked around at each of them to make sure he had their attention. Nezu took a breath in before starting to talk about the life of one Izuku Midoriya. "As you all know, Izuku Midoriya was declared quirklesss at the age of four and I am sure you have an idea on how he was treated by the description of what Katsuki Bakugo had told you all?" Nezu said and asked them all which they nodded their heads while Bakugo was silent. Nezu noticed that Bakugo was silent but pushed forward.

"Indeed, at the age of four, he was told to give up his dreams because he was quirkless. This was also the start of when everyone around his age started to turn their backs on him due to his lack of quirk. It started out with schoolyard taunts like all innocent things children do but children are also horrible creatures as they can be truly cruel. As he grew older, dehumanization started to happen as those around him wanted to strip him of his humanity. They started out by providing a new name for him that was a screwed-up reading of his name. Deku which meant worthless or wooden doll." Nezu said and Bakugo flinched as Kirshimia put a hand on his shoulder.

"With the start of the dehumanization starting others turned their backs even more as they joined in on it. The people responsible for stopping the actions of the other children don't do it or even join in it as they call him Deku as well reinforcing it in the young child mind that he is worthless. This continues for years as even when he is physically beaten black in blue he is not provided medical care by the school staff or other adults as the child hides it from his only parent, the mother. This is due to pure survival skills that the child had gained as he knows the father left due to him being declared quirkless. 

One parent is gone and the one that remains causes unintended damage as well. Moving back towards the child being declared quirkless the mother only apologizes and nothing more as the child needs reassurance that he has some form of life ahead of him but never receives this. The mother though loving is unsupportive and unknowing treats the child as less than human as well though the child never blames the mother. Why blame the mother when the child believes that everything is his fault by the age of six or seven most likely. Also, asking for help from said mother is a dangerous risk in the child's mind as they had already lost one parent due to them being quirkless so they don't want to risk pushing the only sources of love away by adding more stress on the mother's shoulders.

You think that is foolish but in the child's young mind, it is the smartest thing to do and logical as well. The said child knows that the mother is pushed away from others due to keeping the said child so he keeps his mouth shut and places a false sense of happiness and being okay on their face. Said child knows that the story of the father just working overseas to support the family is partially full of lies as he had accidentally seen the divorce paperwork that shows the father paying child support. 

Moving forward, the child has been trying to accomplish anything that could help them survive in the world and chose analysis of others and their quirks but this results in increased ridicule from his peers and other adults. Even though from a younger age the said analysis rivals that of an adult which is a fearsome skill but in the child's mind it's just a pathetic hobby due to conditioning that others put him through via physical and mental abuse in the schools. Even though the said child still tries to hold onto the only realistic dream possible for the said child due to everywhere else having laws or regulations that block the said quirkless child from obtaining a job in any other field he is still hated for it and beaten.

By the time he is in middle school, the child had statically received death threats and suicide baitings nearly every few days of the week even if others don't know about it. This child's only friend at least in his mind is one of his main tormentors because he knows really nothing else but physical and mental pain from others so he doesn't know how to react to others showing kindness or care outside of his mother who is still unsupportive at this point of the childhood dreams. The child knows that his dream is unrealistic for the most part in his mind which results in him not working out or conditioning his body since he knows it would likely result in more abuse at the hand of others since it could be perceived as challenging them. This is due to all of the conditions that the schools have done to the child as they would alter his grades to be lower than quirked children since a quirkless child should never be higher than a quirked child. As such that influences the child's self-worth greatly and makes them always try to position themselves lower than others out of deep-rooted fear and conditioning of the child.

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