Chapter 15: Reports & Progress

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3rd POV:

Izuku had quickly made his way from the fight that had been going on with Gigantomachia and made a straight line for the pre-designated meetup location for when they needed to meet up in physical person. When Izuku had sent the short message via the network to Nezu, Nezu had quickly responded with fast speed since Izuku had yet to request a physical meeting so something must have happened. It was why Gran Torino made quick work of leaving UA on such short notice and Eraserhead with the others had missed him to question the older man. The location they were set to meet was actually on the beach that Izuku had actually cleared for his One For All training since it was relatively in close distance with the speed Izuku could produce by the float quirk and One For All at his current max limit of 55% which he had successfully pushed after the fight with Gigantomachia which still sent shivers down Izuku's spine at the power the giant held.

After arriving, Izuku stood under the covering that was on the beach next to the water and waited for Gran Torino to arrived. Luckily, it was getting a bit colder out so fewer people were going to the beaches due to the cold that was starting to come in. Izuku was also wearing a hoodie over his fancier clothing that was a bit torn up due to the fight with Gigantomachia but Izuku didn't really care at the moment since he knew he would be going through clothing left and right in the fights against Gigantomachia.

 Izuku was also wearing a hoodie over his fancier clothing that was a bit torn up due to the fight with Gigantomachia but Izuku didn't really care at the moment since he knew he would be going through clothing left and right in the fights against ...

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After about 10 minutes of waiting, Gran Torino arrived with a worried expression on his face. "Hey old man," Izuku said as he turned around to face Gran Torino who looked in shock at the state Izuku was in. "Kid what the hell happened to you!?" Gran Torino asked as he could see some of the bruising on Izuku's face from getting slammed into the ground by Gigantomachia. Though, the old man couldn't see the bruises and wounds under the clothing though. "I'm fine for now... it wasn't the league per se but the giant from when you captured Kurogiri. The League is currently trying to obtain him but Shigaraki must prove his worthiness which will likely happen sooner or later." Izuku said and Gran Torino shivered a bit at the thought of the giant helping the League out.

Gran Torino asked Iuzku to explain what he needed to report in person. "I know the name of the doctor or rather an alias since I know he has gone by several names now. The current name he is going by is Daruma Ujiko but he also went by Dr. Tsubasa. He was the doctor that declared me quirkless when I was younger! I am sure that is how All For One likely got some of his quirks via the doctor securing some people who he declared quirkless when in fact they likely had a quirk." Izuku said and Gran Torino asked if Izuku believes he had a quirk before but Izuku shook his head no. "I asked the doctor since he remembers me from then... he said I was indeed quirkless. The man knows the truth of One For All but the man chose not to tell Shigaraki but he did force my hand to provide some story that was roughly the truth of the quirk. He doesn't know it's a transferable quirk currently since I was able to stall as I only described myself as part of a legacy that has appeared each generation with his grandmother being one individual and All Might was before me." Izuku said as he gave a general description of the doctor with a small drawing that he could do the best from his memories.

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