Chapter 13: Accused Appears!

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3rd POV:

With the passing of the weeks, it has now been two months total since Izuku had joined up with the League of Villains. Many things have happened during this time but some of the main things that had happened were that Izuku had started to make public appearances with the League of Villains cementing his ties to the group. The very first public appearance he went out on was when the League went to secure more resources which turned into a bit of a small battle as the group they went after tried opposing the League when the League only wanted to steal the resources from the group. Though, in the end, the opposing group was wiped out as Dabi had burned the members alive when they had made quirkest comments against Spinner due to his mutations.

This battle had drawn the attention of some local heroes who were passing by in the area and Izuku decided to take them on to avoid any members of the League killing the said heroes since Izuku knew for a fact that they would have been beaten then killed while Izuku had already expressed his distaste for outright killing to the other members of the League. However, Izuku had zero hesitation from breaking bones quickly and leaving the heroes unable to come after the League which satisfied the League's views with him. Though defeating those two heroes did start making a public name for him unlike his underground name as people were paying more attention to the fact that Izuku Midoriya had indeed joined the League which made them all believe he was indeed the one that leaked UA's information to the villain side. 

Izuku has also been making contact with Nezu via his network system where he would send analysis to Nezu that he had requested but encoded in it would be messages from Izuku to Nezu who was able to decode the information quickly due to his High Spec quirk. Some of the information that Izuku had passed so far was basic things since the coded messages couldn't be super long due to the length of his analysis that he sent. The information so far included the fact that there was another unknown member of the League that was simply called the 'Doctor' who was the one truly producing the Nomu's and that Shigaraki currently needed to prove himself worthy of receiving the man's assistance to keep receiving more Nomu's.

Other information included the fact that the League was currently running low on resources as they were stealing from other villain organizations to start building up a war chest or the fact that the League did have one Nomu on standby that Izuku had yet to see but did have hints that it was as strong or on a higher strength level than the one from the U.S.J. with some different quirks. Overall, the information was a mixed bag of goods news and bad news for the Hero side as Izuku had already learned some critical pieces of information like a hidden member that was the actual person creating the Nomu's! Though Izuku still had no clue on how the League was able to get the location of the summer camp though Izuku expected that the U.S.J. was done via Kurogiri warping into the building but that doesn't answer the camp issue.

As Izuku sends his most recent update to Nezu he sighs and pushes the laptop away from himself. In all honestly, a quarter of the League's finances were now coming from Izuku himself due to his analysis that he has been doing on other villains for Giran. There has been some analysis done on some heroes but Izuku would decline them for various reasons such as not having much information on them or him being busy. Though he had done some on Pro Heros he believed were corrupt though he did send a warning to Nezu about the Pro Heros that would be targeted so Nezu could plan around Izuku's analysis. So far, none of the heroes have been killed since Nezu would have the said heroes reassigned or the commission would suddenly arrest said corrupted heroes with the proof that Izuku would provide. It looked far better for the commission and government to arrest the said heroes that they may very well have known about instead of letting them get killed which would damage faith in heroes overall as the public likes to see the government crackdown on heroes as it meant the government doing its job.

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