Chapter 4: Let's talk about this

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(A/N: So, I made a floor plan for how the house looks because a lot of the scenes happen in the house so now you see where people room are. The picture really shrunk a lot of the rooms, but the empty wooden floor next to the kitchen is the boys room. The wooden floored empty space next to the storage closet is Megan's room. )

Megan's POV

"You do too damn much." I tell myself as I pace my room wrapping my arms around myself.

"You knew he don't like you like that. Stop getting your hopes up." I can't believe I let myself do this. I wipe my tears angrily off my face. A knock at the door makes me freeze.

"It's Nana." She lets herself in my room.

"Yes?" I ask politely I can manage.

"What's botherin you? I keep hearin you walk in circles." Nana walks to sit on my bed.

"Shawn kissed me." I exaggerate completely helpless. Why? Why did he do it?

"He don't even like me like that. I just know it, just a couple days ago he was talkin to Deon bout askin some girl to go to the skatin rink." I stress. "He asked her with me right beside him. There's no-" I cut myself off walking in another circle. "There's just no way he likes me the way I do for him." I stop pacing an give Nana my attention.

"I've liked him for so long. I mean I thought I was over him after he left but that turned out to be a lie-fib, sorry. I've always kept the perfect distance, and just been the best friend he needed." Nana just watches me walk back and forth onve again. This is nothing new to her as she's seen it all from the beginning. 

"He started talking saying these nice things then leaned in then BOOM, and I coulda moved when he first did too, I should've. I coulda played it off like I didn't know he was going to kiss me. I was just too excited. I even told him I wanted to do it again. Why did I let myself fall for this....traop?" My nana already had her arms open ready for me to jump in them. The moment she holds me some, not a lot, but some tears I was holding back slides down my cheek, and I quickly wipe them. 

"It gon be alright, baby. I know, okay? Remember I know. I've watched how you've looked at him and cared for him. You there for him more than his parents. I'm sure he knows and see that too. If he don't feel the same way, welp that's his mistake for missing his wish to a shooting star. He lost someone precious and truly wonderful." Nana wipes of those stray tears off my face.

"He probably waitin on us to eat." Nana says as she grabs my chin gently and tilts my head up slightly.

"Now chin up, baby, because you gotta whole life ahead of you with many more people to come and go from. Don't let those who hurt you, see you hurtin." Nana kisses my forehead and gets up closing the door behind her. What would I do without her?  She's the light of my life.

When she's gone I fix myself to look presentable at that table where I'll see him. His face will determine the outcome of all of this. Please let me be strong enough to get through this dinner.

"Megan, c'mon in here." I get up quickly, double checking myself, and go to the kitchen. Nana and him are already seated side by side, so I sit on the other side, alone.

"Help y'all selves. There some cornbread in the oven if yall want some." Nana points to the oven. I stay seated and just fix my plate full of jambalaya and start eating. Every now and then I look at Shawn, and he hasn't looked up since I came in here. Why does he have to be so stupidly cute, and do irrational things? 

"So, how was school?" Nana asks after getting tired of the awkwardness in here. Ya'll know she hates it when it's quiet. We half way done by now, and the most loud it got was when the phone beeps.

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