Chapter 44: Be Who You Are

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Shawn's Pov:

Tick. Tock.

Tick. Tock.

Tick. Tock.

A yawn is pulled out of me for the 10th time in 5 minutes. 

It's a silent night, so quiet the silence is loud in dark empty hallway screaming in my ears with the clock to assist it. It's nights like these I enjoy where I can just think to myself to fill up the silence. No loud snoring roommate to keep me up or his deadly farts.

A sigh leaves my lips as I lean my head back once again against the wall behind me, standing guard outside my post. And that means, yes...

I got my job request.

Though, I exchange days with Jeremy, and tonight is my night to watch her door. The disturbing knockings have come to an end now that there's been heed that a report will be written. Also, what idiot would play on her door while people are watching it? 

There's no sleeping for me until later if I decide to eat lunch, or wait until bed time when it's Jeremy's turn to stand guard at her door. That's how it's been for the past week, though Jeremy actually does sleep on the job. It's no wonder how people knocked on her door when he was around.

Another yawn leaves my lips forcing me to glance at the clock ticking loudly away on the wall next to me. 

"It's almost 4 in the morning, so she should be waking up soon." I mumble to myself, feeling all my tiredness washing over me. I need to make it back to my room to get ready for my morning routine.

It's been over a week since the duel between Megan and Chad, marking her and Jacob's 4th week of being on base. I'm surprised they made it this far, especially her schoolmate. 

I would be lying if I said me and Megan have been getting along since our conversation almost two Thursdays ago.  There's been tense encounters with each other when we eat, workout, and even sit to talk when it comes to questions needing to be answered. 


That's a fragile thing you shouldn't just throw around, not even the word alone.

Moving on, it's not like I've been putting that much effort into to whatever we got going on. I'm struggling with writing that letter. You'd think it'd be easy but it's not. What do I write? What does she want to know? What response does she want from me? Does she still even want it?

The nights I haven't been working are when I'm in my bed holding a flashlight in my mouth trying to come up with something. All I have written is

 Dear Megan,


That's it. 

I have no clue what else to say, and don't have a topic to go on. And I refuse to ask her because I have a feeling that it'll just upset her, and I'm most likely right.

My train of thoughts is crashed when I hear a loud thump echo in her room forcing to me jump up to my feet. 

It took me a while to set my eyes straight so I must've dozed off for a second there and what the hell she's doing had me standing post like as if the sergeant was breathing down my neck. 

Blinking my eyes a few times before walking to her door to give it a few soft knocks. Does she knows I guard her door? There's no telling but it's a part of my job to make sure she's safe, including from herself.

I knock on the door again when she doesn't respond. Of course, she might think I'm one of those jerks who plays at her door though.

"MG?" I say loud enough where she might hear me from the other side of the door. Calling her by her nickname so she knows that it's 'okay' to open it.

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