Chapter 43: Week One on the Job

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Megan's Pov:

Week #1:

It's almost been a week since we got to the base and we still have weeks to go. After our first day here, Me and Joshua have just been trying to get used to living here, and thankfully haven't been working out as much as the cadets. We got pushed to watch from the sidelines and observe taking notes and pictures of the obstacle courses they do, the meals that they eat, and even how the room together.

I'd say the cadets aren't that bad. There is a strong brotherhood that lingers around here, and most are respectful. Yeah, some of them don't get along, or don't go out of their way to acknowledge each other, but at the end of the day no soldier is left behind. When there's an issue that involves someone outside of their circle, regardless of whether two people can stand each other or not, they still have each other's...

"Megan, can you stop writing for a second?" Josh asks, annoyed. It's his 4th time telling me this in the last 10 minutes. 

"I know, I know, but-" 

"You want to do push ups?"


"Then come on." I know he tired of me right now, but all he has to do is click a button. It's not that easy for me.

I've been writing notes of our daily activities to keep track of everything. As much as I don't want to workout and run in the hot sun, lieutenant was right. Having hands on experience has done wonders with writing. Putting my blood, sweat and tears into this notebook, literally, all those liquids are merged into the sheets.

As promised, more clothes have been brought for me to walk around comfortable in, appropriately. It's nothing fancy or new, but they make do. I got appropriate pants to wear during training, sweats. I have more t-shirts that suits me when working out, t-shirts and tank tops. When it comes to being in water, I have basketball shorts that goes to my knees. Also, me and Josh both got temporary training uniforms to do our work in. We wear these while we're out since we're supposed to 'live like them' in every way.

I still haven't gotten used to waking up at 4:00am, and yes, I get up 30 minutes before because I have my own shower, but if I want hot water then it can't run when the men are in the locker rooms. There will never be enough thanks for having my own room. Every now and then, the door knob would turn while it's locked, and I'd hear some people giggle. Some people would even knock and run off. It's a joke to knock on people's doors then run. 

I haven't had any bad encounters yet, just good ones. The men are actually very cooperative when it comes to answering questions and having the schedule delayed in order for Josh to get pictures, and me to write notes. Henry and Howard would have really loved this job, just sucks they got stuck with plants and clouds.

It's a nice sunny windy day so workout won't be so bad. We reporters have been restricted to only doing one lap, and 10 push-ups, well I get 10, Josh gets 15 for not shutting up. That's for warm up, but depending on what type of 'activity' they have prepared, we would participate. So far they haven't done anything worth us doing, but we still jot it down.

"Your buttons is crooked." Shawn points out that my uniform jacket is shifted. Don't even get me started on him. I have no clue what's up with these one word, one sentence responses I get from him. 

We agreed to keep things professional, to stick to our work, and be mutuals: be friends. That's what we said, but who would have thought he was going to be treating me like he treats Anthony. 

It makes me want to pull my out because how did we go from people who talked every day to people who can't even have a conversation. It's annoying. 

I have no intentions on messing with another woman's man, that's not me, but friends don't act like this. 

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