Chapter 44.5: For Your Pride

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Megan's Pov:


The thuds of my shoes echo in the hallway rapidly as I'm trying to chase after him.


Still he doesn't respond and keeps going.

"You have to go. You can't stay."

"MG, you must be an idiot if you think I'm leaving you here by yourself." The tone of his voice tells me he's still angry and not wanting for me to continue this conversation. 

"Joshua, if you stay, you still gonna have to leave but you won't be going home. Lieutenant is giving you a way out, you gotta take it."

"Welp, I guess I'm just going to have to suffer the consequences." His emotions got the best of him when he opened his door harshly, and it banged against the wall so hard there's a dent in it when I go inside his room.

"What sense does that make?" I asked, genuinely, trying to get an understanding at how jail is not a concern to him.

"Cause I fucked up!" 

"You didn't, you were trying to protect me."

"I was trying to protect myself! Yeah, it was for you at first..." He rubs a hand down his face. "I didn't plan on putting my hands on him. But that...fuckin...word." He greets his teeth like he's in agony. 

"I had to protect myself." Josh says sounding completely defeated. 

"Joshua?" I take a step back when he throw his head back, laying his hands on his hip, and then looks down back at the floor shaking his head. I don't think I have to ask for him to confirm it.

"MG, you can't tell nobody." The look he sends my way freezes me in place. The message behind it is clear, and it's threatening too.

"I won't."

"You better not, I'd know if you did."

"Am I the-"

"The only one that knows? Yeah."

A moment of silence passes by us after we come to an agreement. Joshua being gay wasn't a surprise but still was shocking. Maybe because he sometimes flirted really well with girls that it made me think he tapped into his feminine side very well. He understood women after being raised by them. But then, I don't miss how he looks at Je-

Well, shit, how the hell would they even be able to live in this society. Interracial couples are bad but a gay couple is worst cause niggas and all ain't scared to give their 30 percent of what they think about that. It's time I introduced Josh to my secret diner, but first I gotta let him know. Let him know that he has someone who's standing in his corner. Yeah, I might be clueless about the whole ordeal but I can learn as I go. 

"So...." I clamps my hands together and tilt my body in his directions. His body language tells me that 

"What?" Okay, he's still angry.

"Does this mean we can look at boys together?" 

"Really, Megan?" A fire burned in his eyes all over again.

"What? I'm just trying to-" 

"I don't want to be this way! I wanna be normal!"

"You are normal."

"The way I feel is not normal. I'm broken."

"No, you're not."

"MG, you wouldn't understand."

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