Chapter 15: Nana, you okay?

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Shawn's Pov:

I sigh out loud content with my life right now. The morning sun is creeping through the windows and the birds are awake. Megan's snoring fuses with the chirping. So, gots to say it's been a good morning so far.

I roll over to be face to face with the sleeping beauty. Even with drool falling down her chin she can still look so beautiful. I can help but smile down at her.

"Hey, gorgeous." I pull my body closer to hers. We had been cuddling a little bit last night, but it got so hot in here last night we slept far away from each other.

"Damn, she gonna be mad when she sees her hair like this." Mumbling to myself I trace a finger down her cheek, over the lips, down her jaw, over the hickeys on her neck, down her back, and let my hand rest on her hip.

Cuddling against her again, I relax beside her. After last night I had been thinking of a lot. A lot that involves the possibility of a death.

I've decided I'm gonna go get a gun and some pocket knifes. My fists can't do all the work, and they really shouldn't need to. I don't want her to even have to lay a finger on anyone, but me. And the exception of Deon.

"Morning, Gorgeous." I whisper before giving her a gentle kiss on the corner of her lips that's dry. She only stirs and snuggles more into the pillow. I can feel hearts in my eyes as I watch her. 

She looks so peaceful and relaxed. Something you hardly see on her. There's no frown on her face, and she's breathing heavy meaning she's comfortable and in a deep sleep.

"Why you starin at me?" Damn, she caught me.

"How'd you know when your eyes didn't even open?" I twirl the end of her hair around my finger and let it loose to watch it bounce back.

"I can just feel you starin." She cuddles closer to me.

"So, how are you feeling this morning? Sore? Need more sleep? Lazy?" I begin to massage her scalp.

"All of the above and some more."

"Oh? Wanna tell me the some more?"

"I would but, there's no more condoms." She innocently shrug her shoulders. Taking a quick look to the box on my shelf, she's telling the truth.

"Don't Nana got you on some pill?" I groan sticking my head in her neck to give her butterfly kisses.

"Yeah." She smiles.

"And?" I slide my hand out her hair and down her body to put her leg over mine. The heat of her skin always make me feel some type of way.

Fuck, she's hot.

"And so tell me, you willing to take risks?" She looks into my eyes. Fuck, this is hot.

"I mean- I could always pull out before."

"You think so?" I ask challenging him. 

"I know so. Bet you'll cum before me." I challenge.

"Actions speak louder than words." She smirks as she begins to slide down my body to where she comes face to face with my pelvis.

"Aww shit." I mumble when she lightly traces her finger up my thigh to my chest, and back down.

"Hold on." Megan moves to grab the blankets and pull it over her and up my chest.

"Why did you get the blankets?" I asks genuinely curious. 

"It seems more scandalous this way." With no warning she takes my dick in her hand. I jumped and let out the most unmanly squeal in the world.

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