Chapter 28: A Surprise Visit from Planned Parenthood

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Shawn's Pov:

Two things have been announced which one you want first, good news or the bad news?

I'll tell you the good news first: The district has decided to keep funding our school and provided more resources since combining our schools has increased our test scores. There has been progress with reading, math, science and history. So, we get to celebrate that on another day. 

This assembly was mostly to acknowledge seniors as the time for us to graduate is coming. Scary, but it's starting to feel more real by the day.

Now for the bad news:

"I fucked up." 

"Whatchu mean?"

"I'm dyin, D. I'm sick."

Now, that is what has our group in complete bewilderment. At the end of the day, he was one of our best friends. He was our peacemaker, and the one who could settle any argument with few words.

The nicest people sometimes go through the most at home, and he was no exception to that. We always knew things were hard for him, and would ask all the time, but he would just say things were okay and tell us to leave it alone. 

He was always weird, but we never questioned it. We never questioned why he acted out or why sometimes he would hit us too hard when he snapped. We just thought that was how he was. He was that way with everyone, and we found it funny. It always was funny , especially, when he would feel so sorry afterwards because we knew he meant no harm.

Then our freshmen year of high school, we caught him sniffing coke on his porch with some older dudes. We hadn't even said not a word, not even called his name, but still when he saw us see him, he freaked and cussed us out. Got so mad he threw his shoes at us.

As always when he lashed out at us, he said his sorrys, and started to explain everything. Told us he doesn't smoke it a lot so he could stop at anytime; anytime he wanted to. 

Boy, what a big lie that was? And we believed it. 

We knew he had a tough time at home. His mom worked every day, and she wasn't the nicest but she got her things done. I kid you not, she loved Trey but it was hard to tell sometimes. Now Trey's dad left before he was even born so it was just him and his mom. All he ever wanted was a dad around so of course the guy who gave him the most attention was seen as his father figure. His mom couldn't stop him cause she was never there to do so as she worked day in day out.

The 'father figure' set him up into this life style which was heavily involved dope. Being doped up was what got Trey in, was what got Trey accepted by him. We could tell he thought this man loved him more than anyone, even his mom. 

I'll never forget the yelling and crying from his mom that I heard a block away in the direction where he lived. She found him doped up outside by himself shaking. She came home early from work and found all of them bums outside, and they just ran off and left him there.

All he did was gurgle his words, and she just held him to her chest, rocking him as he trembled from his high. It was the first time I had seen her cry, an ugly one at that. She even pray cried, that's what Nana called it when you in distress and you just start to pray. 

Yeah, everybody ran to see what happened. No shame in it. He was our friend and we knew how his mamma sounded. We were worried, and rightfully so. She got him to a hospital and they took care of him. Even then she couldn't afford to lose her job so she begged Nana, who already agreed, to watch him while she worked. 

Nana said while that boy laid in that bed, she never saw that woman sleep. She bathed him, and everything before she even sat down for while before going to her next job. When Trey finally woke up, and was back home. His mom was there every step of the way, but he only wanted his dad. 

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