Chapter 18: Drop Dead

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Shawn's Pov:

"I ain't know you was gay." Huh? I turn to see who said that. A guy and his friend leaning against the wall with cups in their hands.

"Nigga, what?" Deon asks.

"Talkin to Shawn." He dismisses Deon.

"You called me gay?" I asked confused. 

"Yeah, nigga, Megan ain't no chick. She a whole ass nigga." This dude I've never even spoken to before laughs patting my shoulder like what he said was funniest thing ever. Simply ignoring him, I turn to leave but he grabs my shoulder so my natural reaction was to smack it off.

"Woah, I ain't tryna start any trouble with ya. Just wanted to talk and know the hype of ya. You one badass dude."

"Not tryna start something? You insulted my girlfriend." I word my sentence so he understand that he already did.

"It wasn't like that, bro."

"Oh so what was it like, Mundre?" Deon sees his way into our conversation.

"I mean I've known MG since we was in elementary and she too manly. Ion know how you do it." Manly? I begin to frown when I hear that word because I too was saying things like that. Manman, manly hands, and more. Damn, I'm just as guilty.

"So what? She ain't hurtin nobody. "Deon says. "Sometimes." He then adds on which doesn't really help.

"I just saw ha punch yo damn shoulder. Those big ass hands beat the shit out of Trey, and that nigga scared everybody." He still laughs like it's funny.

"Ion see the point of you datin ha anyway. She ain't no good. She too... What's a word I say?" Mundre taps his friend beside him for help.




"That but not what I'm lookin for."


"Yeah, she too hard to control. Ain't easy to get ha-" Deon interrupts his by grabbing his collar.

"Ay man, what you tryna say, huh?" Since I'm curious to where he's getting at, I try to pull Deon away.

"No no, wait and let him finish." I wrap an arm around Deon's shoulder.

"Trey said-" I hold a hand up to shut him up.

"What Trey got to do with anything?" I ask really wondering what's the point of him even speaking to me about her ex.

"Trey told us that she was always naggin him bout this and that like she runs the house. I mean they weren't even serious." Deon winces at that last part. That's the thing, they were serious.

"And she was hard to please." He uses hooks his fingers when he lists things his boyfriend told him.

"And she wouldn't listen. No one wants to be with someone who won't let a man do it's job."

"Listen, bro, let me ask you this. Are you good friends with Trey?" I ask sliding my arm off around Deon and sliding it around Mundre.

"Yeah, he my dawg."

"And a bitch he always will be." 

"Ay now-"

"What? I'm just saying. I mean if you think you can talk bad bout my girl, lets talk bad bout that mutt." I take my arm off around Mundre stepping back to put space between us.

"Truth be told, your 'bitch' got a well deserved ass whoopin. Your 'bitch' stuck bent over like an actual bitch for crack." I take a step forward. "To me, it sounds like you the one in love with him, cause why the fuck you talking to me about him? He ain't even here. I got my girl, he ain't nothin worth remembering to her." I take another step towards him.

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