Chapter 1: Rabbits mighty stronk

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(Photo not mine okie? Enjoy~)

Akali's POV

After carefully re-checking my stats, I gathered my belongings (which is currently just my clothes) and stood up. Sad to say, I am broke fuck.

First of all, I need food. And the only source of food inside a forest are animals or fruits. If I get lucky, there might be low bandits or travelers that may pass by and I'll  be able to loot them, but waiting for that will be a drag, specially my HP decreases as every minute pass by without food and it was doing serious damage. I should be able to map this whole place too, not entirely though, just maybe on a 100m radius? I'll also try not to get lost and maybe pick up some discarded items. Who knows, I might get a stray kunai or something. That will be ample to hunt small animals like rabbits and chickens. Maybe a pig or two. Yep that could work.

[+1 INT for thinking ahead!]

I sweatdropped and swipped away the tab. If I always get +1s on INT then I'm gonna have a thousand when I reach my teens.

I patted away the un-existent dust from my tattered clothes as I scooped my hand in the river once more. Better to drink up to subside my hunger somehow. After I took a small sip, I washed my face and walked towards the thick woods.

"Hmm.....Better leave something for me to remember my way back.....maybe a marker or something of the sort?"

I said, questioning myself as I looked around for anything that caught my attention.....

"Ah a rock! And a pretty pointy one too...."

I picked up the said rock, surprised as the system delivered yet again another message.


[You have acquired a new skill!
Observation: lvl 1 (10%)
A skill in which you can see the stats of other people or things, determines their quality and is a great source of important information. Also called as (𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚜𝚊𝚕).]

[Rock lvl: 1
Quality: Medium
A normal pointy rock that you picked up from a forest. Due to it being exposed to rain, it's composition was sharpened by the raindrops.(just like how rocks in caves are sharp)]

After I read the information thoroughly, I swiped the tabs away and watched as the world unfreeze. Ah so every notification will make the world freeze? Interesting......

Getting back to the task at hand, I grabbed the rock tightly and started swinging it. Hmm....not enough to become a weapon but with a little sharpening, this can be enough.

"For now, this should be enough to leave marks on tree barks."

I said, smiling as I started walking again, leaving a few marks here and there whilst watching out for any people or wild animals nearby. I made sure that the marks were hidden so no one would be suspicious. This ninja world is a cruel one after all...


[Quest Alert!

Hunt 3 rabbits!

+3 raw rabbit meat
+5 DEX
+500 EXP

Death by hunger

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