Chapter 7: Settling in

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(My inspirational song for today is Kaguya-sama love is war's first op! Daddy!Daddy!Do! By Masayuki Suzuki!! (So many exclamation marks(❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Anyway, enjoy!!)

Akali's POV

"...........I trust that you can handle yourself well?"

I nodded and received the bag of yen, ryo or whatever is the currency here from the Hokage who nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well. Kakashi will lead you to your apartment. Feel free to ask me anything you need to know. Dismissed."

He smiled softly waving as we bid our proper goodbyes. I sighed. Good thing I wasn't assigned to any of his shinobi to be taken care of. He knows I'm smart enough to take of myself. Whew, guess solving that case wasn't much of a burden after all.

My face stayed impassive as I followed Kakashi down the hallway, the sun still managing to hurt my eyes as it was already high noon, the streets were like Lava and it's literally sizzling hot here. F*ck I wish I was back at the land of water.....if it weren't for the bloodline purge, I'll be swimming in it's cold waters. I sighed again. It's the land of fire alright. Just staying out here can burn me alive.

Kakashi must've noticed my sighing as he stopped and looked at me, his one eye showing no emotion except boredom as my blind folded ones stare at his.

"We're here."

He said and gave me a key as we ascended a flight of stairs, stopping at an apartment door labeled '301'.

"Hai. Arigato Kakashi-san."

I bowed and opened the door, entering the said room and slamming the door shut. I probably looked rude but whatever. I need to restart planning again, otherwise I'll be left behind.

[Shall I show you the important notifications you set aside?]


I said as I removed the blind fold and let my hair loose. I may have tied it a little hard so my scalp was screaming bloody murder when I removed it, but whatever.

[Quest Complete!

Make your very first friend!

+1000 EXP
+10 skill points
Jutsu scroll ]

[Quest Alert!

Learn the art of sealing!

+1 INT
+500 EXP]

[Quest Alert!

Read your very first book!

+1 INT
+500 EXP]

[Quick Claim Tasks?


"Yes please."

[+54 runes! Current rune count: 9 954]

[That is all. Would you like to set an alarm for your routines tomorrow?]

"Not yet. I still haven't planned out my new schedule. I'll get to you later."

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