Chapter 25: The Prey

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(The title is "The Prey" so it's only natural I put "Animals" by Maroon 5 as the song today right?? Right. How do ya think of the story so far? Comment down! Don't be shy. Anywho anyhow, let's start!!)

Third Person's POV

[Time Remaining

All have been playing for
504:45:13 ]

"What the f*ck!"

Akali shouted as the announcement gave off such a loud alarm that it shook her brain right awake. She groaned and rubbed the cloth above her eyes as a natural habit, blindly searching for something on her back. When her hand finally landed on something, she tapped it a couple of times.

The thing being Shun, who's still asleep while clinging onto Akali's left leg.

"Oi.....we slept for two weeks. Get up!"

Her voice still hoarse from such a sudden awakening, she groggily shook her left leg to wake the koala-like Shun that gripped tighter than ever.

"H-huh? Where are we? How long were we out?"

Shun yawned when Akali successful woke him up, stretching the sore parts from his uncomfortable position while he slept.

"Hey system how long were we out again??"

[8 hours in game, 3 weeks in real life.]

This statement shocked Shun fully awake, making him frantically look for Akali who's just in the corner of the cave that they were a bear? The bear gave her what looks like an alive pig that squealed it's last before being slashed to death on it's throat.

"You done freaking out? Let's move. We just need to get inside the tower. I'm done with this sh*t game."

Akali grumbled, quite salty that she didn't impress the Goddess of Hunt. She's the only source of takoyaki in this forest hell, so it was absolutely devastating for the white haired girl to suddenly be of hunger in the thought of soft, warm takoyaki melting on her tongue because of extreme softness.

"Yeah sure. How many points do we have again??"

"I have 780 you have 600. I told my clones to kill the wild animals that they tamed."

"Okay....let's go."

For an hour or so, they ate the pig and went on their merry way. It's not a game of greed and the rewards sounds like it was shitty, so they didn't bother to kill everything they see. The two focused on finding their way back to the tower without any hitch, but as everything turns out, nothing ever goes her way.

Just before they reached a small lake, Akali stopped. Her predatory senses were warning her of something, and she didn't like the way everything around them was absolutely quiet. Not a chirp from birds or the sound of the wind rustling the leaves. Just silence.

The white haired girl bit her thumb deep enough to make it bleed. When nothing happens, she knew they weren't in a genjutsu. So as a countermeasure, she suddenly snatched Shun's arm and opened his palm, quickly slashing his hand with a kunai that made him flinch in pain.

"Hey! What was that for.....?"

Akali didn't answer. Instead, she sniffed his blood for a couple of times so that she could imprint the scent of his blood in her nose. After she was done memorizing his scent, she licked off the rest of the blood that flowed out his palm, hummed a quick tune to heal the wound she caused.

☾︎Limit of the Skies☽︎ 《A Naruto Gamer Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now