Chapter 22: Snake Skin Saint Laurent but it's shark

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(Yay we finished season 1!!! The song for today is "Venom" by Eminem so buckle up folks we are going to see a lot!)

Akali's POV

Running towards the fire dragon with my full speed, I sent a powerful kick to it's left cheek. Using the pull of gravity as an advantage, I let my self soar but not relaxed enough to let my guard down as I bared my razor sharp teeth and latched onto it's neck, eating it's raw flesh.


My tongue burned in the high temperature of it's meat. It squirmed and screeched as I slowly inch to the bone of it's spine. When I finally bit it off, blood splattered everywhere, but it rendered the dragon useless as it's limp body slumped in defeat.

[+ 10 000 EXP]

"Oi system!! Can you not make this vanish?? Dragon's meat is actually delicious....."

[Game master thinks that you're a glutton. But he agrees. You can take a leg.]


I chuckled and started to cut it's leg with a kunai. I only took half of it's leg from the leg bone, then I skinned it so it can look like normal meat.

Dragon meat 100 by 100
Dragon Scales ×70]

The Sandaime's funeral ended yesterday and I attended to pay respects. Surprisingly, the people weren't too sad about his death because of the reason that he was smiling until his last breath. Ah what mushy people.

So before it gets even mushier, I left. After that I focused on training and killing bosses in ID create until the system forcibly kicks me out and bans me for 3 hours. But even so, I came back for more.

The reason why I'm doing this is because that day is nearing. The day where Kisame and Itachi attempts to kidnap Naruto. As for finding out who I really am, the system already made me a bunch of top class quest to go with my story line. Like for example:

[I'm a shark. But am I a tigershark, or a great white?

Find what relations you have with Kisame Hoshigaki

+1000 runes
+100 000 EXP
+1 permanent buff

Death by Kisame's hand]

[There's nothing like family

Find out who your real parents are

+1 level up
+1 skill level up

Death by depression]

[Like how a mother harp seal raises her kid

Find out why you are left to die in a forest in a young age

+100 000 EXP


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