Chapter 6: Miss Detective: Far From Home

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(AN: And the song for today issssss Noragami's second op by THE ORAL CIGARETTES!!! I'm just so pumped when I hear this song and I don't skip it when watching Noragami so I hope it gives you the same feels too! Enjoy the chapter~)

Akali's POV

Do I seriously want to travel from the land of noodles to Konoha?

No. Big hard fast no.

For the first time in years, I felt so drained that I don't even want to lift a finger or bother to train, but I have to. I need to be stronger. Faster. Tougher. I need to survive out there. And all of us knows that Konoha's forests are filled with different types of criminals and bounty hunters that'll kill anyone who has dollar signs on their head. (Or in this case, Yen signs.)

That incident in the cafe just made me remember an unwanted memory and it certainly made me pissed for almost a week. Junko and her team is already back at Kumogakure, and as soon as she got home, she called me and asked about my situation. I just ignored her of course. That girl has too much energy in her even though she looks cunning as hell (which she also is) for me to handle. She even calls me Miss Tyrant. Seriously. What a clingy being.

I sighed and walked on the streets of the land of noodles with my hands inside my pockets. With the million yen Junko gave me, I bought clothes and a new black blindfold. I'd hate to be seen in clothes that I practically stole, that'll be bad for my image.

Speaking of image, word sure spreads fast here. The land of noodles' daimyo, Chikara already caught wind of my little stunt on that cafe and requested to meet me. I almost ran away then and there.

That's the number one rule of survival, lay low, stay low. If enemies swarm over me just to beat me, my survivability rate will drop. And I can't have that. I just agreed on a bet without killing but upholding justice and what I did to that cafe was my first step towards that goal.

No blood shall be spilt. No lives taken. But that doesn't mean I can't beat the sh*t out of them until they're almost half dead.

I won't go as far as making them loose a leg or an eye, just beating the sh*t out of them until they realize that the still have a chance to change. And if they still want to do crime, then I'll beat the sh*t out of them harder than before until they learn their lesson.

"Ugh. Junko's attitude is rubbing off on me. Blegh. Upholding justice is one thing, but I don'twant to have a heroic attitude. Naruto already has that role covered."

I raised the black hood above my head and entered the daimyo's office. I knocked on his door three times before hearing the words, "come in!"

"Daimyo-sama. You called for me?"

I winced but my voice sounded deeper yet calm. Wow. Is that a sign of improving? Wait no! If he finds out that I'm not from here, I'll be in serious trouble! Or is it that he already knows...?

"Ah you're just in time Akali-chan! I was just about to dismiss these Konoha shinobi too."

His booming voice blasted in the room as the two shinobi directed their attention towards me. Maybe it was due to Junko having good luck that it's causing me bad luck, or it's just my most unlucky day today, I'm not sure but I was certain that this is the baddest yet.

"Oh look how youthful she is Kakashi! Are you a shinobi, Akali-chan, was it??"

It's the duo Kakashi and the land of noodles......

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