Chapter 16: True Damage

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(Hey ya'll!!! Hope you're having a wonderful time! So how is life? Hahaha anyways, this chapter is brought to you by "Giants" by True Damage!! Don't ask me why okay? Just watch it! I know you'll have a good time.

Again, nothing is mine except for my ocs and plot.

Enjoy the new chapter! Oh and here's a devilish Pollux. Enjoy~)


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Akali's POV

Yi decided to stay in Yugakure after the mission. He said that he needs file mission reports and do damage control. I may have overdid the killing......a bit too much. But since there wasn't any left of their bodies and they were wanted criminals, everything was easier to deal with.

I already received the rewards of the quest, and even though I am nowhere near the EXP cap, I'm still pretty satisfied with my progress.

Oh, and speaking about progress, I still don't know how to use the skill that the old lady gave me. It's strange since it was already at max level when she gave it to me, and her, giving me a skill at all was already seems impossible.

It was unfortunate that I have to kill her. I still have questions that only she knows the answer. Probably.

After we came back to Konoha with a mission complete, Suzaku labeled it as an A rank mission. Pretty sick huh? It almost cost us our life so we definitely deserve the praise.

We were really tired after all that fiasco so we took a one week break to rest both our bodies and minds. Suzaku's definitely thinking about how the twins will feel about all of what happened so it was for the best that we took a long rest. It was also beneficial for me since it's almost been two weeks since I got to organize my skills and I haven't trained any since that mission, and talking about the system, I still don't know what to do about the shark god that is currently floating around my apartment in his human form, casually brushing his long turquoise hair on my head every now and then.

"Why are you looking at me like that mortal?"

"Nothing. I'm just wondering why you look like a senior highschooler."

"This is what I look like before I died."

"Really? Must be nice to have fan girls."

"If that's your indirect way of saying that I'm handsome, then thank you."

"So you do have fan girls? I think I deserve a little story."

"Heh, watch it human. Don't act cozy now."

"I'll take that as a no then."

I yawned and stretched my limbs.

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