Chapter 13: The Man of Steel

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(Today's song is "Consequences" by Camila Cabello!!! Don't ask me why, but it has a great tune so listen to it! Anyways here we go!!)

Akali's POV

[Don't pick up that one! It looks beautiful uwu]

"That beautiful thing is a weed. If I don't pick that out it'll thorn the owner."

I said and begrudgingly pulled the said weed out of the soil. Guess what, we already have missions. We already did 25 in a week and f*ck it's so tiring! I haven't got time for training now and my SNC feels like it's back to level one again!

[Why are you so snappy today huh Kali? Don't like the D missions?]

Junko teasingly said, watching from a tab as I do the mission. Why you ask, did I answer her call in the middle of a chore- mission? It's because she doesn't stop annoying me for the past week! She keeps calling every single random time and when she calls, system vibrates so hard that I also vibrate. Since the others can't see the tabs and I'm whispering quietly, then everything is still hidden.

"Because you keep annoying me. Can't you train or something?"

[I just finished cardio and leg work earlier, give me a break. Plus, I like to see you irritated! You look like an angry cute wittle sharky baby]

Then the damned girl proceeded to coo at me. What the f*ck is cute with my face?! I thought, my lip twitching in anger.

"I don't want to do this anymooooreeee!! I want real missions!! Not doing other people's chores!"

Jhin said, shouting the last part loudly to tick off the owners even more. Although I agree. How the hell does this help us in anyway?! Unless this makes our muscle mass stronger, I am not doing another one of these chores!!


And with that, Jhin was chased by the owners until the two us finish the mission. And since this house was surprisingly near the library, Suzaku was there to flirt on Miria again. F**king simp.

. . .

"Finished already? Your team really has a gift, don't they Suzaku?"

The Hokage greeted as we entered his office, and hell I've never seen Iruka so evil! like look at his face! It looks like he's feeding off the despair of genins that does D rank missions!!

[You're being over dramatic.]

"Yes, and I'm not sorry for it."

The three of us took a seat while Suzaku stood, listening to Iruka and the Hokage's hushed voices as they decid our judgment- I mean decide our missions for today.

"Oh look! The feudal lord's son wants you to come over and take care of him again! Seems like you captured his heart eh?"


"There are also multiple villagers needing assistance on their shopping carts since it's to small to handle a big bag of groceries."

☾︎Limit of the Skies☽︎ 《A Naruto Gamer Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now