Chapter 4: Miss Fortune

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(AN: This chapter is brought to you by MYTH&ROID's L.L.L. the first ending song of Overlord!!!

I am currently OBSESSED with the vocals and autotunes, fuck it's so wonderful! This is my inspirational song for this chappy so enjoy~

Anyway, credits to the owners, I only own my plot and Akali.

Lastly, happy 100 reads!!!! Keep reading my sweet babies)

Akali's POV

It's been pretty great sailing, I'm not yet hungry, it was night time so I don't get sunburned, nothing or no one attacked me yet, and my boat is still in one whole so everything's perfectly fine! I'm currently reading the love story book that those travelers gave me in hopes of information, but so far, nothing. Gotta say that the plot is good tho.

I sighed and licked my thumb, scooting over to the other side of the boat for the moonlight to illuminate my book.

"I don't want to give you up Sayaka! You're all I have!"

The samurai cried. His love was on the verge of dying as he stood there and did nothing. Even if he wanted to do something, he couldn't. His love was diagnosed with brain cancer for a long time now, and the doctors always said that it was a miracle that she even got this far. The samurai tried so hard to find a cure, he searched the whole world, left no village unturned just to find the medicine that will one day make his love come back to him, stronger than before but his efforts are in vain.

The sound of Sayaka's breathing filled the room. Even though the girl was clearly tired, she managed to put on a weak smile on her lips, trying her best to tighten her weakening grip around the samurai's calloused hand.

"Tsuzuru? Didn't I t-tell you....don't cry for m-me.....I don't like you when you're sad....remember?"

Her breathing was labored, tears filling the side of her eyes as she struggled to stay awake. Even though she wanted to fight, she was fighting long enough. It was selfish of her, she thinks. She didn't want the samurai to be alone in this world that's been cruel to him....but she wanted to be freed.

"I'm......I'm sleepy Tsuzuroon. Will you let me sleep?"

The samurai gripped her hand tighter, removing his black mask and letting her caress his face one last time as his composure crumbled. The image of a cold and silent samurai being washed by the flood of emotions that spilled out of his eyes.

"I-i.....I don't want to loose you.....stay awake for me......stay awake Sayaka..."

He said in a quiet voice as the life slowly vanished from her eyes. But she toughened her resolve. She won't die unless she said a proper goodbye to the man she loves the most.

"Don't......worry. I'll come back for you Tsuzuroon. I-I'll wait for the moon.."

Her sparkling violet eyes was lifeless as it slowly shut itself, but her smile never faltered. It was the same smile which he fell in love with. The same smile she had when they were together, bathing in the moon's rays. Her smile that will never leave his cold, broken heart.

Finally, the samurai sobbed. It was heared throughout the hospital as his wails of sadness echoed the white walls with fury and despair. His sadness pierced through the peoples hearts as he cried for his love, but he was happy for her. All those pills, those medications that the doctors gave her must've been painful for her. Finally she was free. He was finally ready to die, but he wouldn't give up easily. Not until it was the right time for him to face her again.

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