Chapter 14: Lady Justice

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(Jaaaaaanng! I'm back!! Turns out studying is so boring that I was forced out of my writer's block immediately! Kukuku. Anyways, today's song is "Ashes" by Celine Dion!! Finally huh??! So without any further adieu, let's get to it!!!

Extra ps, all photos and audio not mine.)

Third Person's POV

Leaves rustled as multiple footsteps ran past, bringing the wind as swift movements were quietly being executed. Truly, those moves were those of a skilled individual. Another set of steps followed, slight less graceful but still as fast as they jumped from tree to tree, staying hidden as they followed their leader's every move.

"We're near the borders."

The leader said on which was replied by the nod of his students, taking the kunai formation to properly protect their client. A C rank mission means that the lowest that can attack the client was bandits and thieves, but a certain white haired girl thinks otherwise. She was far too suspicious of the situation but there's nothing wrong to be cautious, specially that their client is important to a whole nation.

As long as she was ready, she could save them. And as long as she has her saves of course.

Speaking of saves......

The white haired girl started to slow down her pace, making Juichiro surpass her and take her side. The said boy looked at her with concern which she dismissed.

"Save point."

[Save 1: Kiri's Forest
Save 2: Dungeon Raid
Save 3: empty slot]

"Overwrite save point two."

[Overwrite complete.

Save 1: Kiri's Forest
Save 2: Yugakure's borders
Save 3: empty slot]

A satisfied smile adorned her thin lips as the team came to a halt, before them is Yugakure's big gate seemingly welcoming their arrival. Suzaku and Yi talked to the ninja on the gates and handed them two scrolls, one from Suzaku and one from Yi.

Both of the ninja nodded after they read the scrolls.

"Yuka, accompany them inside the village. I'll go get Tama and Aoi, stay guard."

All three nodded, a dark blue, almost black haired guy taking the guy's place, the girl nearing team 12 with a bright smile.

"I'll accompany you guys inside. Follow me."

She said in which they followed. They passed several stalls and homes, each people giving them a smile or a wave as they passed by. What a lovely place huh? If only that was all that there is to it.

"Here's the inn that all of you will stay in. I will be at the gates if you need of my assistance."

She then bowed and left quickly. Jhin, who was surprisingly quiet the whole time finally spoke that broke the silence.

"What are you investing here anyway Yi-san? This village looks so friendly that it makes me sick!"

"Jhin!! We're not in Konoha so shut up before you get everyone here to kill us!"

Juichiro whisper-shouted to his brother that made the said troublemaker roll his eyes. But now that it crossed everyone's minds, what is he going to investigate?

"There has been mysterious deaths around Yugakure for the past month or two, all of them just dropping dead without anyone knowing what to do."

"Dropping dead without a reason.......must be the cause of a poison."

☾︎Limit of the Skies☽︎ 《A Naruto Gamer Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now