Chapter 5: Yandere and the Detective

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(AN: The inspiration music for today is Just My Type by The Vamps! Don't forget to vote and comment okay??? Toodalooooo~ oh and here's another pic of Akali)

(AN: The inspiration music for today is Just My Type by The Vamps! Don't forget to vote and comment okay??? Toodalooooo~ oh and here's another pic of Akali)

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(I tried so hard to color her eyes T-T)

(I tried so hard to color her eyes T-T)

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(Here's Detective Akali UmU)

Third Person's POV

The white haired girl didn't bother to take off the cloth that covered her eyes for she doesn't trust the redhead just yet. A theory was already forming on her head on why they met, and if she really is like her, if she also has a system then she can be unstoppable. Just like her, herself.

The redhead on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She doesn't know if it was her bored, sleepy far away look, her white hair, or her general appearance but the first time her eyes laid upon this white haired girl, she already trusted her. And yes, she already heared of stranger danger.

Meanwhile, the clerk was looking at the two with worry. The two girls were staring at each other for so long that the tension reached it's epitome of thickness that even a chainsaw couldn't cut. For someone who'll look at them for the first time, it seems like they were soulmates that was separated by time and both had amnesia.

"Um.......hi? Should we talk?"

The redhead was first to break the somewhat awkward air around them. Akali nodded and muttered and almost inaudible "sure" before walking out of the shop. The redhead following after her with an apology to the confused clerk. The said woman smiled and dismissed her as she ran behind the white haired girl who was walking with one hand on her pocket, and another intertwined with her white tufts of fluffy looking hair. The redhead walked beside her and grabbed the white haired girl's hand. This surprised the said girl but she did nothing as the redhead dragged her towards a quaint looking Cafe.

Both girls sat on the wooden chairs just beside a window, with the condiments section a few tables away from them. The redhead looked ecstatic as she waved for the waitress, the said lady coming with a notepad and a circular tray that she held with her arm.

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