Chapter 21.1: Chunin Exams, The Invasion

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Akali's POV

As soon as we arrived, we saw that Sasuke and Gaara already started fighting, Sasuke looking disturbed as he stared at Gaara's face which is half corrupted by Shukaku. My heart started hammering my chest as I stood behind the two, wary of the one tailed beast.

" comments about that. Ah right. Pollux is with Shikamaru. I kinda miss his snarky remarks."

I swallowed the lump inside my throat and balled my fist. After this, I need to find a way in order to replenish my chakra within seconds. I can't be overdosed with chakra pills.

[That's what the gamer's body is for. You can't get addicted to alcohol, drugs, or anything else unless the plot needs you to be.]

"That's nice. Luckily I have loads of chakra pills."

And because Pollux taught me how to shoot bijudamas like spirit bombs, I've got nothing left to fear. I can protect myself with this.

When I came back to my senses, I saw Sakura already pinned to the tree with Gaara's sand, Sasuke panting with the curse seal out and Naruto talking to Gaara about having a reason to fight. Holy d*mn it's already been that long??

"Kacchan! Stay back and heal them! I'll fight him ttebayo."

Naruto growled and raised his arm to block us from Gaara's wrath. I sighed.

"Oi duck head. Can you move?"

Only a glare was sent my way as I slowly helped Sasuke from his position.

"It seems like you don't know what a ninja is all about!!! Forget your stupid friends and fight me with all you've got!!"

Gaara shouted along with a maniacal laugh that obviously aggravated Naruto.

"Shut up!!"

He shouted and rushed towards him with a kunai in hand. As he fell down fast because of gravity, Gaara still had the time to have a massive headache that made him slap his sand tail onto Naruto.

I groaned and raised my hitai-ate, making Sasuke sit on my lap and forcibly turning his attention to me.'ll be alright, no one can hurt you now. Come morning light, you and I'll be safe.....and....sound~

I sang that made a transparent shield encase Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. I immediately closed my eyes and turned my head to Naruto.

"My healing won't last long. Don't worry about Sakura and Sasuke. I'll keep them safe. For now, focus on fighting Gaara. I'll support you from behind."

I stated that made Naruto look to me with gratitude clear in his eyes.

"You see it too right.......the sadness in his eyes."

Naruto nodded, now focusing his gaze on Gaara whom detached his hand from his arm, but still has Sakura in his grip.

"Go show him how you do it. I believe in you."

Seeing that my words encouraged him, he smiled with determination and wove hand signs for a summoning technique. I looked down on Sasuke who's still groaning in pain from beneath me.

"Oi get ahold of yourself. We still have a long way to go."

I said and opened my eyes again, continuing to hum as it slowly but surely drained my chakra. I have now amassed great respect for supports now.

☾︎Limit of the Skies☽︎ 《A Naruto Gamer Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now