Chapter 35: Dasvidaniya

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Third Person's POV

[Don't attack Akali. You know what will happen if you do.]

The demons knew all to well what Akali was about to do. She knew what has to be done, and yet they tried to stop her in attempts to save what was left of the world they hold between their evil little fingers.

But that wasn't the point. There was no time to waste.

The body that was covered in nightmarish eyes and black tendrils grew bigger...and bigger until the black covered a part of Konohagakure's view from the sun. The demon's flinched, and immediately backed away from the darkness she ensued as Akali brought down her gigantic arm. Like any other part of her body, eyes covered some of it's patches as the rest were colored pitch black.

Her sharp fingers clawed at the barrier that the host of the god of war made. It was the strongest she poured her life's work into, and yet it was crumbling down as soon as her hand landed it's first strike.

Fear found it's way into Tsunade's heart as she finally understood what Akali meant by her words. She was afraid of what she can do.........and there were no words left to describe what will be of this world if she ever grew to direct her anger onto it.

[Foolish. Still trying to be the hero of this story huh? When you can just listen to us and let them go.]

The gigantic black hand stopped clawing on the barrier and with a flash, Akali choked the life off of the demon that dared deceive her.

She wasn't falling for their tricks again.

Her touch caused a centimeter of the demon's neck to be devoid of life. For some reason a demon of his standing was still able to resist the death that seeped out of the girl's hands, and it was the perfect torture for the said monster.

"I'm not trusting you, or anything you demon's say ever again!"

[If that's so.......then you leave us no choice.]

Lucian retrieved his brother from the grasp of death and muttered unknown words under his breath.

Within a few seconds, a mysterious light glowed beside the three demons in the form of a glowing ball full of pixels. Soon, it materialized and formed onto those who the demon deemed strong enough to kill her.


"Tsunade-sama!! Jiraiya-sama!!!"

"No wait— Naruto!!!!"

As soon as the monster heared the cries of the people below, she knew immediately what she had to face.

It doesn't matter who she fights or how far does she need to go just to save the rest, all that is important is that she finishes the last of the mission that she bestowed upon herself.

The one that her human heart truly desired.

All of the strongest shinobi gathered before her gigantic figure. The Akatsuki was took over by the forces of their own world. The three legendary sannin were side by side once again. All of the Hokages from every generation gathered, even Naruto who was a 'soon to be' was there. The Uchihas are gathered as well, from their strongest predecessor Madara, to Itachi and Shisui, and finally onto Sasuke with both eyes forcefully awakened into the rinnegan.

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