Chapter 3: Time skip

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(AN: Hey ya'll!! Little note, those lovely guys up there are the bandits who always attack Akali XD anywho enjoy the chappy!)

Akali's POV

[To Miss Detective, Happy 9th birthday!!🥳✨✨You should've started ninja academy at 7 but meh.

You stayed alive again this year~


+10 points

Level Up!

+1 to each stat]

I smiled with satisfaction as I panted like a dog, sprawled on the ground with a contented mind. For the past year, I've been grinding so hard on the ID create world that I haven't actually had time to roam around. I've also discovered that time totally doesn't work in ID Create, so I could stay there for as long as I can and fight until my stamina runs out, but due to my mental fortitude, I had to stop and rest. So I arranged myself to have this routine every day for the past year.

7:00-9:00 am
Eat, bathe and hunt for food(only if stock runs out)

30 minutes rest and meditation

Exercise, run around the base and kill of some bandits that tried to capture me or steal my eyes.

30 minutes rest meditation and loot

11:00-2:00 am/pm
Dungeon grind.(I have to go back and forth from the real world to rest my stamina so time still works)

Complete meditation to enlarge my chakra reserves even more.(I also practice chakra concealment, tree climbing, water walking and making a leaf stick to my forehead to have perfect chakra control)

3:00-4:00 pm
Swim. Yes, I don't know how to swim. And this is the land of water. If I wanted to get out of here, I should have the muscle strength to swim for hours on end or to just build a boat.

And the rest of my hours is just spent on defending me and my base from low bounty hunters, D-rank rouges and some bandits that heared of me. Why, you ask am I targeted by these fools? Simple. The mask that Oka gave me was completely disintegrated to dust by a wyvern that I fought in a dungeon in ID create, and damn it attracted a lot, and when I mean a lot, I mean a lot of small time bounty hunters. Why am I targeted like that? It's not like my eyes are valuable crystals! Those fools actually think that I'm some kind of stepping stone for them to beat and for their ranking to increase, well guess what happened? I'll tell you anyway. Countless bandits swarmed at my base that I actually had to hide in one of the caves and use my stealth for almost a whole day just to get out of their sight!! It was like living in the purge I tell you. Even the bandits were fighting amongst themselves and in MY territory? They have some nerve alright. I can't really fight them that time so the second they left my base, I immediately planned how to counter that situation somehow.

Though I thought of fighting with my eyes closed, I had my doubts since it's going to take a lot of time and effort to master and I don't think I have that kind of commitment. Though if I have time, I practice between 5:00-6:00 and then scout for enemies.

I actually tried to fight a low bandit with my eyes closed and it didn't end well. My hp was left to one and I was miraculously out of chakra even though I don't know any jutsus! But hey, I'm just getting started aren't I?I know I'll be used to this soon.

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