Chapter 12: Team 12

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(Big time skip ahead! The song for today is "Take Over" by Riot games ft. Jeremy McKinnon, MAX, Henry!! I like that the MV of this song has a game-ish feel so buckle up peeps! I'm gonna give ya'll some well deserved action~)

~2 years later~

Third Person's POV

"........wonder what it's like to be loved by you yeah! I wonder what it's like? I wonder how it's like to be loved by you?"

The white haired girl sang, flipping her wet hair and drying it with a white fluffy towel. What's got her in a happy mood you ask? Well, today is graduation day! Well, more like the day after. This day is the day that she'll be assigned to a team so she could finally get the action she needed! It's not like she wasn't fighting all the time, it's just that entering ID create and practicing her new S ranked jutsu was getting so repetitive that every muscle on her body moves on their own in a daily basis.

Oh and speaking of that S rank jutsu?

No matter how hard she practiced, no matter how long or how big the chakra reserve she gave, she can't make it look what it was supposed to look. The King said that San Salvador will come if the user was ready, but it seems like Akali still wasn't, since she can't get whatever San Salvador is, out. She only blows out a big wave of water and that's it.

She was starting to loose hope.

But since it was an S rank jutsu, she never gave up on doing it every single day for the past 2 years. The trees in Konoha was now thicker than ever, since every time she weaves San Salvador's hand signs, the three fourths of her 100 000 chakra was immediately consumed, making the wave bigger, and thus, watering almost the whole forests of Konoha. Almost.

The Hokage noticed it of course. Such an act of exerting so much chakra was threatening the security of the village so he made his top ANBUs to investigate it. When they found out that it was only Akali, they were relieved and slightly impressed. Having big chakra reserves for her age was already a wonder, and she excelled in every taijutsu test that was given to her since her entrance at the Academy, so it wasn't too long before the people of Konoha acknowledged her as a prodigy. Every time the parents came to watch their children's tests, they would also anticipate Akali's. And they were impressed every time they watched. She breezed through the exams like it was child's play, even excelling Sasuke that of course, made him hate her. His REP was a depressing -70, and speaking of Sasuke, Naruto also started to notice her.

For her, it was absolute hell to be noticed by Naruto, even if she dropped laying low for a long time already. Naruto would always drag her to fight him, to beat up Sasuke, to teach him the SNC, or just because his house was so dirty that he needed help cleaning it.

And yes, if you're thinking what I'm gonna say next,

They are neighbors.

Naruto lives on the apartment just beside her, so whenever he wants, he just barges inside Akali's house like they knew each other since they were born. It irritated the heavens out of Akali of course, but she didn't say anything. He wasn't bothering her, and she wasn't that heartless to treat him like how the whole village does. It hurts her non existent conscience for some reason.

So, her REP with Naruto is 40. Overwhelming for someone who doesn't want to be noticed, but then again, she dropped that plan a long time ago.

Akali's level is now 60, her pace was slow as a turtle. Only five levels in 2 whole years was a fucking hassle, (yes I can swear. I'm the author so shut up) the drops weren't doing the cut anymore and she rarely gets lucky pick scrolls! Like it only drops once a year! And she gets item builds rather than points so it was so rare to have a 100 point scroll!

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