Chapter 10: The Avenger's Fate

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(I'm bored so imma make another chapter! Today's song is "Wonder" by Shawn Mendez! So with no further adieu, let's start!)

Third Person's POV

With fast heavy breaths, Akali woke up. In the middle of the night inside her dark apartment. Though everything was clean, it looked like it wasn't even touched for no more than an hour. Though there was nothing to clean, it felt like every inch of her house was messy. Maybe it was just due to the fact that some of her stuff has dust on them but other than that, it was quite rare, no. It was ABSOLUTELY abnormal for Akali to wake up in the middle of the night, was it because of a nightmare? Or is it just that she forgot to turn on her air conditioner that it made her sweat bullets?

Whatever the reason may be, Akali was now fully awake. She can't go back to sleep now.

She stood up from her bed, changing into loose shorts and a black shirt, she fished out a red blind fold. It was too long that it almost reached the length of her hair, even though it was already tied to her eyes but she didn't care.

She wore the black ninja sandals that's located near the door and sprinted out of her apartment, currently in high hopes in finding a body of water somewhere in Konoha. She was aching for a swim and she didn't even know why, maybe a natural instinct of a Kirigakure born? Whatever the reason may be, it was also a good time to practice the new level that her voice achieved. She was thinking of finally using it as a weapon, but not on the experimental stage yet. She didn't want to endanger her voice after all.

She jumped from roof to roof, running on the grass floor as she saw a river glistening under the moonlight's rays. The river's location was near the outskirts of the village, but not quite far that it'll be considered outside. Though it is far from her apartment, she didn't mind the run.

She didn't think twice or hesitate and straight up jumped into the water, splashing quite loudly, but since no house was near, she enjoyed her loneliness.

Being back in the water felt like heaven, every inch of her was relieved as the cold waters calmed her stiff body.

She then swam deeper. There was nothing in the river but small fishes, but it was still beautiful nonetheless. She giggled and bubbles came out from out of her blindfold, finally resurfacing with a happy gasp of air.

[Academy starts in 2 hours.]

The system briefly said to her before vanishing away, making Akali sigh and get out of the river, not even bothering to dry herself. Already?? It's not even an hour when she got here.

[You awoke at 3 am, loosing track of time. The current time is 5:30 am.]

She sighed and ran back to her apartment, took a quick bath before leaving once again. The apartment door looking almost as if it was begging for the said girl to stay for at least a couple more hours.

Why, you may ask?

She never really goes home, even when she still wasn't going to the Academy. If not training, she's always at the library, or sneaking inside an official training ground, or at Takeshi's shop, or at TakoYuzuri. Now that she has school duties, it became even worse. It's like she only goes there to sleep and bathe.

Akali jumped from roof to roof, only stopping when she was on the roof of her favorite takoyaki store. She slid down the roof's red tiles and landed on the ground with a soft thud, slightly stumbling as she was greeted by Yuzo and Yuzuri that was still in the middle of opening the shop.

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