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Stella Rogers.

I met Sam and Steve outside the chamber that was holding Bucky, but he was gone.

I figured that would be the case.

Red emergency lights flashed constantly, and I felt a headache coming on.

Could someone turn those off?

There were agents slumped on the floor, and I sighed in relief when I realised they were all out cold.

Atleast they're not dead.

Steve found the fake evaluator inside the chamber, curled up into a ball on the ground.

He'd been attacked, not that I was bothered by that even slightly.

He deserved it, but that did mean Bucky was brainwashed and on the loose, which was less good.

"Get up." Steve said, grabbing the stranger by the collar and shoving him against the wall.

"Who are you?" He asked, fighting his grip on the man's shirt.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I want to see an empire fall." He responded, and I heard a wall get decimated behind me.

That can't be good.

Bucky grabbed Sam by the jaw and threw him at the open pod, making me gasp while Steve jumped into the fight.

He landed a punch, but I could tell Bucky barely felt it, and he kicked my brother out of the chamber.

They fought through the hallway while I helped Sam get up, and I turned around in time to see Steve go tumbling down the elevator shaft.


The stranger made a run for it with Steve being a good distraction, and Sam immediately began running after him while Bucky made his way downstairs.

"Steve, I'm coming!" I exclaimed, running over to the shaft and looking down, but Steve frantically shook his head.

"No I'm fine, just go get Buck!"

I begrudgingly ran in Bucky's direction, finding him downstairs and fighting Tony, who had armour over his hand.

Sharon and Nat made a play at Bucky, both landing several kicks and punches, but it was short lived.

I doubted they would last too long against a soldier with a metal arm, though.

Not a lot of people would.

Bucky flipped Sharon head over heels, smashing her into a table, and slammed Nat through a glass pane, choking her on a table.

"You could at least recognise me." She gasped, and I sent a table flying into Bucky, bringing his attention to me.

Nat gasped for air, and Sharon helped her up while I locked eyes with Bucky.

"You don't have to do this." I tried, but he was too far gone.

He charged over, grabbing me by the throat and slamming me into a wall, but before I could do anything to protect myself, I noticed Loki run in.

The second he saw Bucky choking me, his expression changed from worry, to absolute anger.

He was completely infuriated.

Loki grabbed his knives, flipping them and slashing at Bucky, who dropped me and grabbed his own, the two staring eachother down.

"There's still good in you, I know it." Loki said lowly, but we both knew it wouldn't work.

Bucky made the first move, diving at Loki, but he moved out of the way and defended his torso.

What are the Odds? ~ L.Odinson Where stories live. Discover now