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Loki Laufeyson

I waited in anticipation for the Grandmasters champion, only to feel my heart plummet into my stomach when the Hulk burst through the cage and into the arena.


"I have to get off this planet." I panicked, standing up and trying to leave, but the Grandmaster stopped him.

"Hey, hey, hey! Where are you going?" He asked, forcing me to sit next to him, right against the glass.

I casually tried to hide my face in my hand, while Thor was practically bursting of joy.

"Hey, we know each other! He's a
friend from work." He exclaimed, turning to Bruce and trying to talk to him.

"Loki! Look who it is!" Thor exclaimed, and I tried to hide how petrified I was.

Hulk charged insanely fast at Thor, who looked surprised by it, making me smirk.

"Here we go."


Stella Rogers

"So, heading to Queens then?" I asked, and Sam nodded.

"That's the plan."

"We find this guy, turn him into the authorities." Steve said, and I looked at him as if he'd grown two heads.

"The authorities? We are the authorities." I said, making Nat stifle a laugh.

"I mean the police, Stell."

"Why?" I asked, looking between my friends.

"This guy has a freakin jetpack with wings, he's like Sam but evil." I said, making Sam snicker.

"I say we kill him."

"We're already in enough trouble, and risking making it worse by even going out and fighting." Steve pointed out, placing his hands on my shoulders and forcing me to look at him.

"Do you want to make our situation even worse than that?" He asked, and I smirked.


"No, Steve is right." Nat said, making me sigh.

"Alright fine, we turn him in."

"I know you're probably feeling super chaotic, like you have nothing to lose, but you do." Sam said, and I looked over at him.

"Like what?"

"Us, Bucky, and your life." My brother said, and I leaned my head back, letting it sink in.

"Okay, you're right."

"I always am." Steve said, making me hit his bicep.

"I could easily prove you wrong." I said, and the others watched our banter in amusement.

"Why won't you?" Steve asked, looking smug.

"Oh, because you can't."

"No, because I'm trying to be less chaotic." I said, and sighed.

What are the Odds? ~ L.Odinson Where stories live. Discover now