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Loki Odinson

"Steve, could we talk for a moment?" I asked, and he nodded, putting the rest of the dishes away before turning to face me.

"Is everything alright?"

"I have something for you." I responded, ignoring his question while I gestured for him to follow me, which he did.

Everything was not alright.

I missed Stella.

I missed Thor.

I missed my mother.

I missed Heimdall.

Hell, I even missed Odin.

"Now, I want you to understand why it's taken me so long to give this to you." I said, and we entered Stella's, now my room.

"What are you-" Steve started, but I held up my hand to cut him off.

"I went back to Wakanda." I said, and Steve immediately shut up, looking interested, but taken aback.

"I wanted their ashes, you know?" I asked, and he nodded, knowing I was referring to Thor and Stella.

"You have her ashes?" Steve whispered, and I stayed silent, letting my actions speak for me.

I took the jar with Stella's dusty remains off the shelf, holding it out for Steve to take.

He stared at it for a moment before slowly taking the jar from me, holding it to his chest while he let out a choked sob.

I slowly pulled him in for a hug, not knowing if he was the affectionate type, but he let me hold him while he cried.

Eventually his tears became my own, and we silently sobbed while Stella's ashes sat in between our chests, binding us together.

It was the first time I thought I'd ever really seen true emotion from him, and I was certain the road went two ways, but neither of us said anything.

I could tell neither of us wanted to say anything, so that's how we remained.

Truthfully, I didn't know how long we stood there, but we stayed, crying together, mourning the loss of a soul we both felt so deeply connected to.

"I'm sorry for getting so emotional." Steve said, pulling away after what I could only assume was, at the very least, fourty five minutes.

"That's quite alright, I don't think anyone would ever blame you." I said, patting his shoulder comfortingly.

Steve wiped a few stray tears away, and when he turned to face me, I could see how broken he truly was.

At some point, I think I disregarded everyone else.

I was so busy mourning an incredible amount of people that I forgot other people were feeling the exact same way as I was.

"I think I'm just taking this really hard." He admitted, and I nodded, picking up one of Stella's blankets and handing it to him.

Steve took it, wrapping it around his shoulders while he sat on my bed, her smell still lingering on the cold sheets.

She was still here even though she was gone, and I knew that.

I think Steve knew that too.

"We were supposed to stop him."

"He was the most powerful being in existence, I'm not surprised we didn't." I said, sighing while I sat next to him.

What are the Odds? ~ L.Odinson Where stories live. Discover now