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Loki Odinson

Steve and I drove back from Tony's to the Avengers Compound, not really knowing what we expected to find upon arrival.

We were both curious, and excited for it nonetheless.

I parked Tony's car in the driveway, silently thanking him for letting us use one of his vehicles to get home, since the others took our only ride.

We gave them permission though, of course.

"Alright, you ready?" Steve asked, and I nodded, following him through the doors and putting Tony's keys in the bowl on the hallway stand.

That way, I won't forget where I put them.

We heard some clanging and clattering from the training room, and wandered in go find Scott in his Ant Man suit.

He was standing in front of his van, and the back was open to reve and Quantum Tunnel.

This was happening.

Nat and Bucky stood behind a table full of buttons on a panel, and Bruce was calibrating it.

"Hello, Bruce." I said, and he visibly jumped while the others turned to face Steve and I, giving us friendly smiles.


"You look rather, different." I commented, noticing Steve was pretty speechless about Bruce's newfound appearance.

"Yeah, I kind of put the brains and the brawn together."

"Seems like a good way to go about it, Bruce." Steve found his words, walking over to him and shaking his green hand while I chuckled.

"Thanks, Cap."

"Alright, where are we at with all of this?" I asked, and Bucky wandered over to me, pointing to the panel.

"Bruce is gonna hit a few buttons, send Scott into the Quantum Realm, and pull him back out to see if it works."

"Sounds good to me." I said, and Bucky nodded in agreement while Bruce cleared his throat.

"Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one." He announced, looking over at Scott, who seemed a little bit on edge.

He's a hero for doing this.

"Scott, fire up the uh, the van thing." Bruce instructed, and Scott opened up the portal while Nat looked at the panel.

"Breakers are set, emergency generators are on standby."

"Okay, good." Steve breathed out, obviously feeling tense about the heavy chances of this going wrong.

I knew we all felt it.

"That's good, because if we blow the grid, I don't wanna lose Tiny here in the 1950's."

We all turned to Bruce, giving him expressions that could only be described as a mix of shock and panic,  making him shrug.

"Is he being serious?" Bucky whispered to me, and I nodded.

"There's a possibility." 

"Excuse me?" Scott asked, and for a second, I thought he heard me.

He was talking to Bruce, though.

"He's kidding!" Steve exclaimed, trying to reassure Scott while Nat turned to Bruce.

"You can't say things like that!"

"It was a bad joke." He responded, and  I walked over to the panels with Bucky, standing next to Steve.

What are the Odds? ~ L.Odinson Where stories live. Discover now