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Loki Odinson

I rematerialised on the platform, feeling Mjolnir in my hand.

I'm worthy.

I wish Thor and Stella could see this.

"Did we get them all?" Bruce asked, and Bucky seemed surprised.

"You telling me this'll actually work?" He asked, and Steve looked at me, letting out a loud gasp.

"I'm so proud of you." Steve beamed happily, jogging over and pulling me in for a hug, and I hugged him back tightly.


There was a pause in the room while we hugged, and when Steve pulled away, I noticed Tony crying.

"Tony, are you alright?" I asked, feeling dread settle in.

Something's wrong.

"Tony, where's Rhodey?" Nat asked, and he gave us a defeated look before the sobs shook his body.

Rhodey was gone.

Before anyone could say anything, I watched Tony exit the room and walk outside, leaving us in a sad, mournful silence.

"Should we go with him?" I asked, and Steve nodded.


Bucky elected to stay inside, which I understood.

They were friends, but Tony needed the people he was closest to.

Nebula, Rocket and Scott kept Bucky company, discussing where to go from here while the rest of us followed after Tony.

Nat, Clint, Bruce, Steve and I found him by the lakeside, silently sitting around him and letting him mourn.

Steve was the first to break the silence after a while, looking out on the lake.

"Did Rhodey have a family?"

"Yeah." Tony whispered, wiping a year off his cheek and sighing.


"What?" Clint asked, and Steve looked over to Barton, who was confused.

"I just asked him a question-"

"Yeah, but you're acting like Rhodey's dead." He responded, and I tilted my head in confusion.

"Why are we acting like he's dead? We have the stones, right? As long as we have the stones we can bring him back, isn't that right?" Clint asked, pacing around the deck, aggravated.

"Stop this shit, we're the Avengers so get it together."

"We can't get Rhodes back." Tony said, and Clint stopped in his tracks.


"It can't be undone." I spoke up, and Tony nodded sadly.

"It can't."

Clint laughed dryly at me, raising his finger and pointing in my direction, but I spoke up before he could.

I knew he was just going to start a fight.

"I'm sorry, Clint," I started, giving him a sympathetic look.

"I know we never talked about what happened all those years ago but you're a very earthly being." I said, gesturing down to Tony.

"Tony is mourning his friend, and no offence but this is beyond you, and it's beyond me." I continued, knowing I had everyone's attention.

"We are talking about space, and the magic that's out there. I'm telling you we can't get him back, so don't give people false hope."

What are the Odds? ~ L.Odinson Where stories live. Discover now