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Stella Rogers

Three weeks.

It had been three weeks since we saved the universe.

It had been three weeks since Wanda died.

The world was trying to recover from the rest of the population coming back, and I didn't blame them for trying to handle how tricky a situation it truly was.

I moved into my old place with Bucky, Nat, Steve and Loki, realising Loki had taken my place during my absence.

We both stayed in the apartment, sleeping in our bed  together, knowing we'd never want to be apart again.

I found out once we'd won the battle that Rhodey sacrificed himself for us, and I locked myself in our room for three days afterwards.

He was my friend, and I didn't get to say goodbye.

We held seperate funerals for our fallen friends, Vision, then Wanda, then Rhodey.

I also hounded the government to commemorate them somehow with statues, banners, anything.

Now they're getting statues made, and they'll be up in the next couple of months.

They deserved that, at the very least.

It was a rough couple of weeks, but I was grateful for my support system, and I knew we'd all be in the grieving process together.

As happy as I was to have them in my life again, it hurt that I wasn't around when they all fought to get me back.

I missed so much.

Life just went on after I got snapped away.

The world kept spinning, the sun kept shining and the people closest to me kept waking up each new day.

Everyone around me is older, everything I know is outdated information, and it breaks my heart to think about what they all went through while I was gone.

There was so much I didn't know about, and I spent almost every waking minute catching up with Steve and Loki, as well as Bucky and Nat.

I wanted to know everything.

I needed to know what happened.

It was a really difficult conversation to have, but it was one we needed.

"Do we wanna order food?" Nat asked, and I nodded, tightening my silk robe.

"I don't feel like cooking."

"I could go for a Big Mac, if I'm honest." Bucky said from his spot on the floor, making Loki chuckle while he wrapped his arm around me.

"For breakfast?"

"You can eat anything for breakfast." Bucky shot back, and I shrugged, agreeing with him.

"That's true, actually."

"No one can dictate what's breakfast food and what's not." He continued, and Steve shared an amused glance with Nat.

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