Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

2.249 words

*conversations in other languages – will translate right next to the sentence 😊 *

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: if the knowledge appeared magically in your brain, which area of study would you want it to be from?


True to her words, Thaleia had everything ready to execute her plan in ten minutes. Everyone had been notified and they were all in place, waiting for the girl's green light.

A knock on the door interrupted Rossi in the middle of his talk with Ulrich, followed by Morgan opening it "Rossi, we might have something" he signalled for the man to follow him.

The man gave one last look at Vehain and stood up from the chair, walking past Morgan and only to see JJ outside, who motioned for him to enter the room next to the interrogation, where Hotch and Reid stood watching. Derek left the door where Ulrich was ajar, pretending that he actually meant to close it but was unable to and didn't realise. After that, he also joined the others behind the glass.

"What's this about?" Rossi asked looking at his colleagues.

"Thaleia had an idea" was the only thing Reid replied, concentrated on the man they had in custody.

About a minute later, just like planned, Emily walked towards the door and reached for the handle. Thaleia then stopped her "I found him"

"Who?" Emily followed her lead.

"Fuentes" at the mention of the name, Ulrich looked up slightly, trying to not be too obvious "He's on his way, and he's not happy"

Prentiss, following her role, glanced over at Vehain worriedly. She narrowed a little more the door -which she had previously opened to show that she was about to go in "¿Por él?" (because of him?) she nodded inside the room.

"Si" (yes) "Va a querer llevárselo, y cuando lo haga, me temo que vamos a perder a Nico" (he will want to take him, and when he does, I'm afraid we will lose Nico)

"Cree que lo va a delatar..." (he thinks he'll expose him) the Agents took notice of how Ulrich flinched upon hearing their words

"Sin pruebas, no podemos retenerle aqui... y si Fuentes aparece antes de que cante, es hombre muerto" (without any evidence, we can't retain him here... and if Fuentes arrives before he speaks, he's done for/dead man)

"Hablaré con el jefe, a ver qué Podemos hacer" (I'll talk with the boss, let's see what we can do)

"Espero que diga que puede quedarse, por protección..." (I hope he says he can stay, for protection).

After Thaleia's last words, the two of them walked away from the door. Emily walked away to pick up a call from Garcia and, in the meantime, the girl approached Rossi, giving him a file.

"Read the text and the file. Then it'll be showtime" she grinned excitedly, holding back from doing an immature jazz hands move.

It took the man less than two minutes to go through the papers, grasping the girl's plan in a moment and ready to perform.

"So, Ulrich-"

"I did it" he interrupted "I killed them all, and I do not regret it"

Rossi stayed silent for a second, glad that so far the plan was going perfectly well "You killed them all"

"Yes" the man nodded hurriedly. He tried masking his nervousness and how scared he was, but the Agents could see right through him: fear clouded his eyes.

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