Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

2,265 words

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"Am I allowed to go to my place now?" Thaleia asked before yawning with her arms stretched over her head. Even though the detention had been quite easy, as they found Natalie curled up on a corner in her parent's old place having a mental breakdown -which was corrected by the kids, saying it was called 'Major Depressive Episode'-, they were all tired after the case. The only thing they all wanted was to get to their homes and sleep the rest of the day and night away.

"You're still not fully healed" Reid frowned "Plus Jordan has to check your place to make sure that there aren't any cameras or other spying devices there because-"

"Yeah I know, I know... I was away for a long time and the people after me could have broken in and blah blah blah" she rolled her eyes "You need to get a pet or something"

"It would be left alone so many times, and we never know when we'll be back from a case. It would probably die and I don't want that"

"Emily has Sergio!" the girl whined "You could get a hamster- or a guinea pig! They're adorable! Plus once you've had them for a while, when you enter home they will greet you by squealing!" it seemed like she was more excited than he was about the idea of getting a pet.

"I'll think about it" gosh, he really couldn't say 'no' to her, could he?

"So... if I gift you one...?"

"I'll return it"

"What? Why?"

"If I ever decide to get a pet, I want to be the one to get it"

"Then I'll take you to a pet store and hold you there until you pick one" she narrowed her eyes as she crafted her plan "Can we get macaroons on our way home then?"

Reid's heart skipped a beat. He called his place 'home'.

He quickly got out of his daydream and cleared his throat "Yeah, sure"

On their way to Spencer's apartment, Thaleia guided the boy through a different route than the one he usually took in order to stop by a store that the girl had claimed 'made the best macaroons'.

The Doctor decided to wait in the car. He wanted some time alone to think about his current situation- their current situation. He hadn't found the courage to ask Thaleia if she remembered what he said when they found her in that basement. Sure, she had told them that everything was blurry because of the drugs and she remembered nothing form the day she got taken. But Reid knew that there was stuff that she wasn't telling anyone.

She had been quite nice to everyone and to him since then, which contradicted her usual approach to these type of situations: whenever she felt too close to someone, she pushed them away.

The boy was thinking about that when his eyes landed on the entrance of a club they went to a little over a year ago. It was the first time he saw Thaleia in another light, the first time he had seen her so free, the first night they actually spoke... the first time he thought she looked beautiful and didn't regret thinking so.

That night they had spent a lot of time together, talking about nothing and everything at all once their friends were asleep at Emily's apartment...

"That was the last one" Thaleia sighed, plopping down on a chair. Reid only hummed. He had his elbows on the kitchen counter and head resting on his hands, covering his face. He had drunk more than he would have liked "Bubbleeeeeees"

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