Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

1,932 words

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: What is something you love about your body?


"I need your fingering skills, woman"

"Good morning to you too, Tali-cake. I'll be at your place when you get back to help you with that"

"We need a list of women in Oklahoma state, key elements being Blondes, Engaged or recently married, and plastic surgery. All within the age parameters of our victimology" Thaleia listed the morning after once they arrived at the PD.

"Unfortunately, my lovely," the woman started after a few seconds of tapping on the keyboard "that list is as long as Morgan's hair".

"I thought our victims had their hair bleached... why are you looking for someone who is already blonde?" Terry Louis asked with his arms crossed.

"Sir," the officer from the prior day entered the room "another body has been found"

"Prentiss, Morgan, go to the scene and report what you find. Rossi, JJ, interview family and friends" Aaron gave the orders "Garcia, send over what you have on the newest victim and keep an eye on missing people"

"Will do, Sir"

"This doesn't add up" Thaleia frowned "Seeing the woman he loved get married made perfect sense" she muttered.

"It did. Maybe we're still missing a piece of the puzzle"

"Well, until we find it, women who fit the victimology are fucked"

The kids sat in the conference room, going over the files once again in hopes to find something that they hadn't already thought about. Just as the idea crossed the girl's mind, Spencer's phone rang.

"Hey Morgan"

"We have a problem"

"What happened?"

"Hair is pink, no fake jewellery, dressed in a cheerleader outfit, no plastic surgery and, according to Garcia, she was single and part of the middle-class society" he listed "There's nothing that suggests it's the same Unsub except the low probabilities of there being two simultaneous serial killers in the city"

"What changed?" Reid asked himself.

"Garcia should be sending what she has on the victim soon"

"Yo, Girl Scout" Thaleia intervened in the conversation "Check her feet"

"What, you got a fetish now?" a few seconds later, the man spoke again "No amputations, stitches or those weird burns you mentioned..."

"There's glass on the base of her feet"

"Sweet-cheeks do you have cameras spying on me?" he joked "She does... how did you know?"

"Prepare to be amazed, Agent Derek Morgan" she said before hanging up the phone, leaving the man on the other side of the phone expectant and confused.

"The glass could be from where the Unsub held them captive or-"

"Nope" she cut him off as she typed on the laptop the PD had provided them with "What does glass and feet remind you of that is not related to actually stepping on glass? Think cute"

"Glass and feet are not a cute combination... get to the point"

"I'll ignore your lack of enthusiasm and tell you: glass slippers"

"Like Cinderella?"

"Exactly like Cinderella" she spoke as she kept on typing on the computer "Disney decided to be cute and skip the part where the ugly sisters chopped off their toes in order to fit in the glass slipper that the prince brought to their house"

Fingertips | Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now