Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

1.930 words

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: do you have tattoos? if you do, which one (out of the ones you have) is the most meaningful? And if you don't, would you like to get tattoos? Of what?


Yeobo (여보) – "Honey" or "Darling"


"This is amazing" Oliver gawked at the piece in front of him: it was bigger than he was, way bigger.

"It is, isn't it" a woman spoke next to him and Thaleia "I wonder if the artist wanted to express the thought of independence in a sense of 'I don't need anyone' or in a 'I shall change things myself' way..." she spoke absent-minded.

With wide eyes and a questioning look, Oliver turned to the side, locking eyes with the girl who shared the same expression as he did.

The woman sighed "Beautiful..." and walked away.

"Wow" was all that left Thaleia's mouth once the lady was gone "Some weird people come to these shows, don't you think?"

The boy laughed, a laugh that the girl couldn't help but think that was so warm and cute "You shouldn't talk like that about your fans, yeobo"

"Eh... it's not like they know..."

The two laughed as they moved further into the room full of Thaleia's most recent artwork. Although the girl felt really comfortable around this boy that had come into her life, she didn't share deep thoughts or meanings about the art, other than maybe a fact about when she was making it, like a certain piece with a large stain on one of the sides followed by a thick line:

"I was painting another piece, and my cat decided to jump on the stool where I had settled the paint and well- it splashed there. My shriek scared her and she smashed onto it, there you have the trajectory of her body"

"Oh my" the boy laughed sweetly at how the girl had expressed the moment. In his eyes, she was the most beautiful and adorable creature he had ever seen, and that definitely showed on the way he looked at her.

And the Doctor definitely caught that look.

He had tried to focus on the art only, knowing the second that he walked in, that the pieces belonged to Thaleia. But his not-so-friend 'Feelings' was all about the gossip and poured its attention onto the couple that was walking around.

Don't call them couple! He would scold himself.

Well, they are here together, right? Plus by the looks of it, they're on a date; their second one, maybe third or fourth. Who knows how long he's been here?

Spencer shut out the voice in the back of his head, looking at the piece in front of him.

If he had seen that piece a week ago, he would have admired the lines, the colours, an overall feeling of sadness because of what it represented, maybe. But not now... not after he knew what he knew about Thaleia and her past as a kid.

It was quite big, that was for starters- at least 8ft5 by 7ft. The painting showed a huge window, seen from the inside. On it, the reflection of a table, lights, food, people laughing, hugging, decorations... Christmas in a typical white picket-fenced family house. The window itself had snow stuck on the other side: it was a cold night, that much was obvious from the snow that also piled itself on the floor outside and falling from the sky.

What would have caused the slight feeling of sadness upon seeing the piece, would have been a child, on the wrong side of the window: the kid, which wasn't portrayed either as a boy nor as a girl, stood there, looking inside. He/she was wearing regular winter clothes, a jacket, a hat, gloves...

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