Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

2,406 words

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: 'Dear future husband/wife: you MUST have these three qualities:'


-Thaleia Blair-

I ran through the corridors of the building, gun in my hand as I scanned my surroundings. The noises of clanking metal were getting closer, so were the screams and laughs.

"I'm gonna fucking kill them all" I clenched my jaw "They're dying tonight"

My feet took me further through the halls, turning every now and then to follow the sounds.

"I don't get why they call him pretty boy... he looks quite bad to me" the comment was followed by snickering from the other men around "You're not going to correct us? Huh?" the punch echoed throughout the big empty room "You're getting boring"

"How about we spice it up?" all of a sudden, a hand covered my mouth and I felt something sharp on my neck. My body gave out, unable to move as whoever had grabbed me dragged me into the room all the commotion was happening.

My eyes widened when I saw Spencer there, tied to a chair, all covered in blood and half unconscious. I wanted to scream out his name, but nothing came out. Fucking ketamine.

"Yeah, it's an impressive sedative, isn't it?" one of the dirty men snickered as he carried me over to Reid. How did he know I was thinking about that? I couldn't speak... did he read my mind?

He threw me on the floor next to a pole and sat me up with my back against it, tying my hands behind as well as my neck so my head would stay up.

"Oh, how long we've waited for this" one of the other men gave me a sick grin. Gosh, how bad I wanted to punch his ugly face "I'd also like to punch your face, girly" what the hell was going on? How?

"Don't refrain yourself, Yohan... have fun" the guy standing next to Spencer's body extended his arms towards me, inviting the man to do what he wanted to.

He didn't have to tell him twice. Even though I was facing his way, I didn't see the punch coming. Or the ones that followed. My head went from side to side as he jabbed at my face. I felt the blood running down my nose and the bruises forming around my eyes and on my cheeks.

Untie me, you fuck- let's see who's the strong one then.

"I think that's enough" upon the voice speaking, the man pulled at my hair, making my head fall back and tied it tighter after it had gotten loose. He smiled at me one last time before standing up, allowing me to see the others behind him. But the voice hadn't come from any of them.

It came from the boy on the chair.

Spencer rolled his head back, cracking his neck and sighing out, pleased at the relief the snapping of his bones provided him. He looked me in the eye, and I saw evil- I saw hatred, I saw anger. This wasn't Spencer... he would never...

"Wow, that was intense" he said as he stood up from the chair, stretching his back "Alright boys, let's get this over with, shall we? I've already wasted enough time with this... thing" he nodded my way "Now, Avery"

My name is not Avery, I wanted to yell at him.

"How should we do this?" he grabbed a gun and a knife from one of the men on my sides "As I said, I want to do this quickly, because you're really not worth more of my precious time- time I could be spending sleeping, reading or banging some other chick- because let's be honest, you're cute and all that, but it doesn't make up for how much of a prude you are" he waved around the gun "But then again... I would have so much fun torturing you in every way I know you fear... plus you know what they say about serial killers who stab their victims a lot... impotence, right? I don't doubt my capabilities, but it feels like it's been forever since I last fucked someone... and what for? Being with you? Tsk, you wouldn't even blow me"

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