Chapter 87

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Chapter 87

1,592 words

it's short I know! But I had to cut it here so it wouldn't look weird

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: What do you need right now?


"Thaleia's been quite busy for the past five days, hasn't she?" Derek sighed as he tried to sit more comfortably on the floor.

"I wonder if her days have more hours than ours... Maybe she can stop time" the writer joked.

"Wouldn't surprise me" Hotch gave one of his rare smiles "According to these, the FBI is full of traitors, as she put it"

"Not only the FBI, but the government and any of its entities"

"Why hasn't she uncovered them?" JJ wondered out loud "She has all the information- all she had to do was post it online or send it to the news"

"Because the moment she does that and one of them fall, they'll know she knows... it's better this way. Who knows what they could do to her or to Spencer if the people they have in powerful roles start falling"

"I have a bad feeling about this" Morgan frowned "There's no way that she knows all of this but not where they have Reid"

"You're right" the leader agreed "But at the same time... if she does know where he is... why hasn't she gotten to him yet?"

"What if they're moving him?" they all turned to the Technical Analyst "Think about it... these past few days all we've known about where Thaleia could be was based on criminals that were part of that group showing up..."

"Thaleia finds out where he is, they move him and by the time she gets there, she can only find random members, which she beats up and hands to the police"

"She's killed a few... what's different about them?"

"Original members" Rossi said picking up a file "Some of the crossed faces on the walls are here as well... the dead ones, to be specific"

"Didn't Jordan say that the group keeps on recruiting and killing members?" Emily asked rhetorically "There's no way that everyone knew everyone... the new or not so important members are the ones she hands over to the police, while the big guys are the ones she kills because they have the chance of getting away if brought to the justice system"

"Big ones means original... how many were there back then?" they turned to Rossi.

"I wasn't on the case- it didn't get to the Unit. But I think Gideon mentioned it at some point... thirty or thirty something"

"And she's gotten her hands on seven so far"

"Sixteen" JJ corrected "Apparently not all of them are dead" she showed another set of papers "Seven are dead, the rest have been incapacitated... or at least that's what it says here"

"Tortured and left to die in remote locations... she got information from them"

"Probably where they held Spencer"

"But they changed his location every time she found where he was"

"I still have a bad feeling about this" they turned to Morgan "Why now? We've waited almost a week to know anything about her and what she's been up to. Why is she giving us the information now? What is different?"

"If she got Spencer, she would be here, right?"

"Yes" the leader thought "She knows where he is"

"Based on what's here, she's known before, Hotch"

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