Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

2,392 words

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Fun (?) Fact: I was listening to 'Cigarette Duet' by 'Princess Chelsea' as I wrote this and it got creepy real quick lol Specially since I already knew where this case was going :")


"Just like you guessed, the location where the body is found matches with where the victims are taken from. Although there are some exceptions in which either of the two events have happened in a close-by town" Penelope spoke through the headset with cat ears that Thaleia had gifted her one day out of the blue. 'They reminded me of you and I couldn't help myself when I saw them', she had said.

"And it seems like the Unsub does have somewhat of a type... light eyes and dark hair, so he's most likely thinking of someone while hurting these girls"

"I'm afraid that their lives don't really cross paths in any way other than the looks, my chocolate-man... different social backgrounds, some with siblings, some without, divorced parents, deceased parents, both still happily married, popular at school or marginated..."

"If it weren't because of the physical similarities I would have thought they were victims of opportunity rather than targets" the boy-genius mumbled to himself, which the youngest caught.

"They could still be" she started a conversation with him, the rest of the team listening "Not only the locations are scattered all around the state, but the signs of torture on the victims' bodies suggest that they went through it every day. Unless he planned who to take months in advance -which to be honest, I don't think he's that type, even though he's quite organised-, I'd say he goes to a random location and once he sees a girl that matches his likings, he takes her"

"You're right- it is highly unlikely that he had everything sorted out before acting. He's not mission oriented... feels more like he kills for the thrill of it, gets off on the torture and his metaphorical orgasm reaches him when he ends their lives"

"The high doesn't last enough so he makes sure to always have a back-up for when he's done with the current one" she read over the files as she spoke "May I also point out how weird it is to hear you say 'orgasm', Bubbles?"

"Stay on topic, Thaleia. You guys were getting somewhere" Hotch sighed leaning on his hands placed on the table.

"Right" she threw finger guns at the man "It's also weird that he's a thrill killer with a type- I mean... they usually pick the victims completely at random, but this one is picky, mind the redundance... redundancy? Anyway- the enjoyment comes from the kill itself, so they don't really care about what the person looks like. Why does this one?"

"You could compare it to nymphomaniacs: while in general they are just addicted to sex and will participate in the activity at any given chance, many of them do feel attracted to specific traits and can, in some situations, get turned off and refuse to have sex unless it's with a person that fits those characteristics. Maybe this Unsub is like that" Spencer threw in information he had and thought would be helpful in building the profile.

"That means that to get to his ideal, he must have experienced before. There have to be breadcrumbs... My love, are you still there?"

"Ready for your educated guesses, Tali-cake"

"Check for unsolved cases of missing women of all ages who then were found with signs of torture... highlight those from the same towns and also people they had in common- maybe friends who were interviewed in more than one case or that lived in the same areas as the victims when the killings happened... I have the feeling he's newly found himself, so don't go too far back, maybe five years tops"

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