Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

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QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: how would YOU describe yourself in 3 words?


*Dalliance: casual romantic or sexual relationship*


Oliver had only said one sentence in the almost twelve hours that he had been in custody.

"Where's Thaleia?" , he had asked with a shaking voice and worried eyes. The reply he got was not what he wanted- he just got Hotch introducing himself and telling him about his option to get a lawyer, which the boy didn't ask for.

After that, he sealed his lips.

Morgan, who had been watching the guy from the moment they sat him down in that room, could see the sadness radiating off him- and his worry and anguish wasn't because of the fact that he had been caught by the FBI... it was because the only thing in his mind was 'what will Thaleia think?'.

The man understood his worry: he had personally seen how in love Oliver was with Thaleia, and even though he wasn't present when the girl found out about her boy being in custody, he knew that the kid had lost her forever. Or at least for a really long time, depending on his involvement with the case.

Back in Quantico, Garcia had been trying to get a hold of Thaleia, worried sick when her friend didn't pick up and when she couldn't even find her cell signal.

The more she looked into Oliver's life, the angrier she got: he was a text-book good boy, for God's sake! This kid had never done anything wrong in his life except for getting bad grades in his first year of high school and pick up a fight with some seniors when standing up for another student. Penelope couldn't find anything that could have sent this boy to be part of a gang...

It occurred to her to go through his call and texts history, most of them being connected to family, university friends -all of which checked out of being evil in any way- and Thaleia. The woman did, however find a few calls to certain numbers she traced to a bunch of different burner phones, none lasting more than 3 minutes.

Before pressing the button to call her team, she did something she had hopped she never had to do: going through his and Thaleia's messages.

It was all sweetness coming from his side, and Garcia knew Thaleia well enough to know that her friend was probably blushing when sending her replies. She also caught on to some texts she remembered being present at the time of the conversation, teasing the girl and melting upon seeing how cute the two were.

Tears started accumulating in her eyes, sad to see that such a good thing that was happening in Thaleia's life had now burned down to ashes. But they didn't fall. Because before they could, the analyst saw further messages- messages of Oliver sounding more distant towards her, with lovely ones every now and then. It wasn't only that the texts were less Oliver-ish, but there were less of them, in general.

Following her instinct, she went back to the call logs. The dates matched.

"Hey baby girl"

"Please tell me you still have him"

Derek sighed on the other side of the line "Yeah, we do... but he hasn't said a thing, other than asking about Thaleia" the woman gasped, offended at what she had just heard.

"How dare he ask about- no. You know what? No. I'm not gonna go there"

"Calm down, baby. What have you got for me?"

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