Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

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QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: if you were an animal, which one would it be and why?


Thaleia was completely aware that Hotch had Morgan investigating something related to Oliver. She was also completely aware that the leader was trying to keep it a secret until whatever they were looking into gave any good news, probably to avoid irrelevant talking about the boy when being in front of her.

She somewhat appreciated the effort, but the majority of her being couldn't help but roll her eyes at the action. If whatever he was hiding from her was potential lead, they should all look into it. She was an adult -kinda-, she could control herself and her emotions... also, kind of.

Reid, sitting across from his crush in the conference room, read over the files with a minimal amount of focus. He was still registering the words on the papers and processing them, but his mind was elsewhere. Thaleia's words from yesterday still rung in his head...

'anything is worth more than a broken person who can't even make her own decisions because she killed someone'

What had she meant? Who had she killed and why was it the reason of her being under supervision every single second of her life?

Spencer felt bad- not only because he was probably reading into something that the girl wouldn't like him to, but because of what she had said... 'anything is worth more than a broken person'... Everyone is broken in some way or another, they saw that in their every-day life.

It hurt to hear her speak about herself in such a way. It was as if she couldn't see all those things that made her amazing, or as if she dismissed them because they were all part of a façade.

Would she think the same thing about me? The Doctor wondered.

He was broken too, so does she think that anything is worth more than him? That he's a waste of anyone's time and energy?

Spencer had the feeling that those words were merely about herself, not to be applicable to anyone else. It all came from a low self-esteem, it was a textbook consequence to intense childhood trauma. And he knew hers was full of those.

His head took him back to the night Thaleia had been attacked in her apartment- the night she slept over at his place- when she woke up from a nightmare.

// "Hey" he spoke softly taking her hands in his. Freezing "It's alright, I'm here. You're awake, the nightmare is gone"

"No it's not" the girl leaned forward, resting her head on his shoulder as she cried "It's not gone... he's- he's s-still dead" she chocked on her tears. //

He stiffened upon remembering the scene. She had been so scared, fragile at that moment... all he had wanted to do was hold her broken pieces together as she fell apart in his arms.

He's still dead.

Was she talking about the same person? Was this he whoever she said she had killed?

"Hey Penelope" Rossi's voice took the boy out of his own head.

"Hello, my favourite Italian man" she greeted back "I have the identity of the Pittsburgh victim... his name is- well, was, Jeremy Hoggins... born and raised in Bay City, Michigan, moved to Philadelphia Pennsylvania for college, where he became a lawyer and built a family- family which he separated from three years ago because of a car accident in which his wife and two daughters died"

"Poor man..." Emily voiced out her thoughts.

"Yeah... after that, he moved to Pittsburgh, where there are a few records of him arriving to the ER because of drunk bar fights and a couple of overdoses... Curiouser and curiouser, my little fellas, is that those hospital records were sealed. Don't ask me why, tho, that's your job to figure out"

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