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After Hoseok had gone, Suga checked my temperature up with a thermometer. "You are really okay." He told himself.

"Yeah, I am okay, Suga. Don't worry." I assured him with a smile.
He made me rest my head on your shoulders. "Get some rest." He patted my head.
I happily snuggled closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me in his safe embrace. I felt safe there, safer than I could ever feel.
Then, a glimpse of the dream displayed in my mind. I tremble slightly and sat closer to him. It was just a dream, I reminded myself, there is nothing to worry about. Suga, is here with me, as cute and caring as always. I close my eyes and rested.

"Y/N, the food is here," Seokjin said.

I opened my eyes and saw everyone sitting on the couch around me. Seokjin handed me the plate. I sat straight before taking it. I smelt the food and instantly the delicious aroma made me hungry.

"This is so delicious," I said with a mouthful of food.

"Thanks, I made it." Seokjin smiled.

"We helped," Namjoon added.

The atmosphere lightened as we started chitchatting. We talked, smiled, laughed and had fun for a long time.

After I finished eating, everyone had slept except for Suga. He was observing me.

"Guys, go sleep in the rooms." I woke them up. Without any protests, they went to sleep. I was about to get up to keep my plate in the sink but Suga it from me and kept it. He returned with medicine and a glass of water in his hand.

"Here, take this." He ordered, pointing to the white pill sitting on his hand.

I made a face, bent forward and sniffed the pill. My nose filled with a bitter smell. "Ew, I am not taking this." I looked at him.

"You have to take it." He offered me the pill.

I moved his hand away and covered my mouth. "It is bitter." I sated.

"Y/N, don't make me thrust the pill in your mouth. Take it." He gave me a stern look.

"No, I won't take it," I said from behind my hand.

"Aish, Y/N, stop behaving like a child. It is just a pill. Gulp it down with water." He sat down next to me."No," I whined like a child.

He sighed and moved closer to me. I froze in surprise. He took it as an advantage and slowly removed my hand from my mouth. I didn't know what was happening. I was lost in his beautiful black eyes, so close to me. He raised his hand and fed the pill to me. My expression changed, from lost to disgust as the bitterness of the pill filled my mouth. I snatched the glass of water for him and gulped down the water in one go. Watching me, Suga started laughing.

"You think this is funny," I asked, mad at him.

"Yes." I hit him. "Ow. Are you afraid of pills?" He continued to laugh.

"No, of course not. I just don't like them. They taste like dirt." I slowly said.

After he finished laughing, he turned to me, serious again. "Y/N, are you okay? Did that bastard hurt you?" He placed his hand on mine.

Images flashed through my mind. When the man was touching me and when he tried to kiss me. I felt disgusted. He touched me with his dirty hands. I wanted to take the gross feeling away, I wanted to take his touch away. I wanted to feel my Suga, he was the only one who could touch me.

I pulled Suga and kissed him. My movements were still weak and it felt energising when I felt our lips brush together. I kissed him gently, wanting to surround myself with only and only him. He didn't push me away once he sensed the desperation in my movements. He slowly kissed me back. I became excited and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him as close as possible. Our lips were moving together. I licked his lower lip and was about to deepen the kiss when he pulled away. We both looked at each other. Then slowly tears formed in my eyes. I turned my head away from him, not wanting him to see me in this state.

"Y/N." Suga made me face him. His face was covered in concern, concern for me. When he noticed me crying, he hugged me. I cried more and hugged him back. "Why are you crying?" He pulled away and cupped my chin.

"H-he tried to touch me, Suga. He tried to kiss me." I sobbed.

"Oh, Y/N, shhh, everything is fine now." He soothed me.

I buried my face in his chest and cried some more. He patted my head and kept assuring me. After I was calm, I pulled away and looked at him.

"Suga?" I wanted to ask him something. He hummed in response. "The man who kidnapped me said something about a girl. He said you befriended me after 'her'. What did he mean?"

Suga suddenly froze and turned as pale as a ghost. He didn't look at me, and sweat started to cover his face. He gulped, showing his nervousness. "That bastard told you about her. What did he say?"

"He told me nothing. He just said something about a girl who was close to you before I came. What is that suppose to mean?" I curiously asked.

"Listen, Y/N, whatever that idiot said was a lie. Forget it." He finally looked at me.

"I don't look like a lie to me. Suga, tell me who is this 'her'?" I pushed on.

"I can't! There is nothing to know!" He yelled.

I flinched by his loud voice. He was definitely trying to hide something from me, something he didn't want to tell me, something he wanted to hide with his dark lies. He never told me anything and then he says he considers me his friend. This is unfair. I tell him everything about me, but he wants to hide in his tangled past.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me," I said.

He looked at me, surprised to see me not pushing him anymore. He knows I wouldn't give up easily.

I got up and slowly walked to the stairs, I could feel his eyes on me.

"Y/N, where are you going?" He came to me.

"I am going upstairs." I faced him.

"Why? You need to rest." He tried to hold my hand, but I quickly moved it away out of his reach.

"I am going to rest upstairs. Away from you." I slowly said.

His expression to hurt. "Why? Please, stay, Y/N,"

"I am sorry, Suga. I can't do this. I need to be away from you right now. Let's talk about this later." I turned away from him.

"Y/N, don't leave me...............like her." He whispered with a voice full of pain.

"Suga, if you don't want to tell me about her at least don't mention her!" I exclaimed.

"Y/N, calm down." He moved closer to me.

"How can I be calm, Suga, when you don't tell me anything about your life?! You say you consider me a friend, don't friends tell things to friends?" I moved away from him.

"Y/N, don't yell. You will wake everyone up." He tried to calm me down.

"Yeah, I won't yell. I will go upstairs." I turned and faced the stairs. Suddenly, the blood pounded in my head and my legs couldn't support my weight anymore. I clutched my head while swaying dangerously. Before I hit the floor, Suga picked me up in bridal style.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Suga held me securely.

"Get away from me!" I managed to yell even when I wasn't in a good shape.

He ignored me and started walking up the stairs. I kept yelling during the whole ride, which irritated Suga which pleased me. When we reached his room he set me on the bed and sat beside me.

"Suga! Let me go out of your room." I shouted again.

"Y/N, first of all, stop yelling." He pressed his hand against my head, my body temperature had risen.

"No! I want to get away from you." I slapped his hands away."Y/N, listen to me......" He tried to reason with me.

"Suga! I-" I was yelling.

He cut me off by locking his lips with mine. I was stunned at his bold move. Why was he kissing me? Usually, I was the one who kissed him. Soon, my thoughts cleared as he filled my head, his sweet scent, his breath, his everything. He slowly ran his hands in my hair and I rested my hands on his chest. His lips were dominating mine as they harshly embraced my delicate lips. I pushed him away when I was out of breath. He licked his lips as if he had tasted something sweet.

"Sorry. I didn't know how else to make you shut up." Suga apologised. He is apologising, apologising after kissing me. Really?

"You did a good job." I sarcastically said and started getting up.

He quickly gripped my hand, not letting me go and made me sit again. "Y/N, please, you can't leave me. You are the only one I have after......"

"Suga, let me clear my head first," I told.

"You can clear your head here. I won't disturb you." He started in my eyes.

"Why don't you just tell about the girl if you want me to stay here, in your room?" I suggested.

"I can't, Y/N. If I told you you will hate me forever. I don't want that. I don't want to lose you. You are all I have left. I want you by my side." He gently caressed my cheek. I was reluctant to believe him, sensing my hesitation, he cupped my face and said. "Y/N, I never lie to you, and I won't start now. I want you to be with me, and for that to happen, I'll have to conceal my dark past. Trust me, when the time comes, I will tell you everything."

"Suga-" I tried to protest.

"Let's sleep. You must be tired." He was clearly not interested in arguing with me.

He lightly pushed me on the bed and laid down on the other corner. He smiled and gently grasped my hand.

There was a long distance between us, but we were still connected with a thin thread of friendship, just like our connected hands. I smiled, closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Hehehe (Awkward Laugh) Another update, Fighters. Please don't kill me for not updating regularly. I am trying my best to update. So, enjoy this update.
Purple you. 💜

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